Motor Mouth (Alex Barnaby 2) - Page 62

“One more time to the mall,” Hooker said, putting the SUV in gear.

Probably Hooker could drive the route blindfolded by now.

Rodriguez and Lucca were already out of their car and walking toward the theater entrance when we swung into the lot.

“Now what?” I asked. “Are you going to run over them? Or are you going to snatch them at gunpoint?”

“Race-car drivers aren’t supposed to run over people. You don’t lose points, but you could get a big fine and community ser vice.”

“But it’s okay to kidnap them at gunpoint?”

“The rule book doesn’t actually cover kidnapping.”

Hooker cruised down the lane and stopped behind the Taurus. “Can you do something to their car so it won’t start?”


I got out and tried the door on the Taurus. Not locked. I popped the hood and disconnected a hose and some wires. I got back in the SUV, and Hooker drove one lane over and parked.

“This is part of your plan, right? Disable their car so they can’t get away?” I asked him.

“Darlin’, I don’t have a plan. I just wanted to mess with them.”

Thirty minutes later, Rodriguez and Lucca sauntered back down the car lane. They were talking, and they each had a soft-drink cup. Lucca was carrying a pizza box. They got in the car and a couple minutes passed. Hooker smiling the whole time.

“I can’t believe you’re getting off on this,” I said. “We’re wanted by the police. We’re about to abduct a couple killers. And you’re having fun with them.”

“You have to take fun where you find it,” Hooker said. “Anyway, this throws them off their game a little. Gives them something to think about besides us.”

The car doors opened and Rodriguez and Lucca got out. They popped the hood and took a look.

“Probably don’t know a gasket from a water pump,” Hooker said.

They slammed the hood down and looked around, hands on hips, pissed off.

Now I was starting to enjoy it. “We have them wonde


Rodriguez took out his cell phone and made a call. There was a lot of head nodding. He looked at his watch and wasn’t happy. I’m not proficient at reading lips, but it was obvious what he said into the phone.

“Bad move,” Hooker said. “Not only is that physically impossible, it’s also not going to get the road-ser vice crew out here anytime soon.”

Rodriguez flipped his phone closed and looked around some more. He stared directly at us, and my heart skipped a couple beats before his gaze moved on.

“He didn’t spot us,” I said.

“Might not be at the top of the charts as far as hit men go.”

“Yeah, and they’ve killed two men. Probably three. Imagine how many people they could have killed if they were really good.”

“At least three more,” Hooker said.

Rodriguez ran his hand over his bald head and looked at his watch again. There was a discussion, and Rodriguez got behind the wheel and horse-wanger Lucca returned to the mall.

“Divide and conquer,” Hooker said. “It’ll be easier to snag just one of them. Let’s move.”

We got out and walked over to the Taurus. Hooker had his gun in one hand and his other hand on the Taurus door handle. He yanked the door open and pointed the gun at Rodriguez.

Tags: Janet Evanovich Alex Barnaby Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025