Motor Mouth (Alex Barnaby 2) - Page 73

Ten minutes later we were on the road in an SUV.

“Are we going to see Ray now?” I asked Hooker.

“No. We’re going to Little Havana so we can hide the chip from the gearshift knob in Felicia’s house. It seems to be the only chip Ray cares about. Then we’re going to see Ray.”

No one was home when we got to Felicia’s house, but the key was in the flowerpot next to the back door, just like always. We let ourselves in and Beans rushed ahead, jumping around, all excited, skidding on the kitchen linoleum. Probably remembering Felicia’s pancakes and pork barbecue. We trooped upstairs to the little bedroom, and Hooker taped the chip to the back of the picture of Jesus.

“Doesn’t get any safer than that,” Hooker said.

After sleeping in the car and on top of a pool table, I was thinking the little bedroom looked like paradise. The comfy bed with the clean sheets, the immaculate bathroom just down the hall…

“Maybe we should test the bed out,” Hooker said. “See if it’s still too small.”

“Good grief.”

“Well, you had that look.”

“I was thinking about the bathroom.”

“Works for me,” Hooker said. “Warm water, slippery soap…”

“Good grief.”

“You keep saying that. That sounds so hopeless. I’m dying here. I need something to hang on to. Throw me a crumb, for pity’s sake.”

I did a big fake sigh. “Maybe we can get together sometime later.”

Hooker looked like the joy fairy had just unlocked the door to the bakery. “Really? How much later?”

“After we get cleared of murder and grand-theft auto.”

“Do you think we could shorten that to…in fifteen minutes?”

“I thought it would give you an incentive.”

“You think I need more incentive than not going to jail for the rest of my life?”

“Okay. Fine. Great. Just forget it then. I didn’t mean it anyway.” And I turned and flounced out of the room and down the stairs. I wasn’t all that annoyed, but it seemed like a good exit line.

Hooker was close behind me. “Too late to take it back. You promised.”

“I didn’t promise. I said maybe.”

We were in the dining room and Hooker pushed me against the wall and leaned into me and kissed me. There was a lot of tongue involved in the kiss, and Hooker pressed against me until there wasn’t any space left between us, and it was obvious there was more of Hooker than there had been five

minutes ago.

“Tell me about the maybe,” Hooker said. “Was it a probably or was it a probably not.”

“I don’t know. I’m working on it.”

“You’re killing me,” Hooker said. “You’re more of a threat than Ray Huevo. And by the way, I like that you’ve got your hand on my ass.”

Crap! He was right. I had my hand on his ass.

“Sorry,” I said. “It was an accident.”

Hooker was grinning. “It was no accident, darlin’. You’re hot for me.”

Tags: Janet Evanovich Alex Barnaby Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025