Motor Mouth (Alex Barnaby 2) - Page 91

Felicia was fanning the fumes away with the garbage bag. “It smells like burrito. And look at him. I think he’s smiling.”

I felt like I should be doing more to find Hooker, but I didn’t know where to start. Maybe a property search. I hauled my phone out and called Skippy.

“I was wondering if you could get some more information for me,” I said. “I want to know if Anthony Miranda has property in the Miami area. A house or an office building. Anything.”

“I want to talk to Hooker.”

“He isn’t here.”

“Where is he?” Skippy asked.

“He’s sort of…kidnapped.”

There was silence on the other end, and I was worried Skippy had fainted or had a heart attack.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I’m dandy. My scrotum is so tight my balls are choking.”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds,” I said to Skippy. “I’ll be able to get Hooker back as soon as the dog poops.”

“I’m not even going to ask,” Skippy said. “Do you have a phone number I can call when I get information on Miranda?”

I gave him my number and disconnected.

“Maybe we should go back to the hotel and see if Carl needs a potty break or wants to get lunch,” Felicia said.

We went back to the lot, piled into the car, and Rosa headed for Collins. After three blocks, Beans made the balloon noise again, Rosa pulled the car to the curb, and we all got out and waited for the air to clear.

We were standing not far from the take-out part of Joe’s Stone Crabs. A black limo glided to a stop in front of us and Suzanne got out.

“Omigosh,” she said when she saw me. “Barney. How’ve you been? Where’s Hooker?”

“He’s been kidnapped.”

“Jeez,” Suzanne said, “that’s too bad. There’s so much of that going around these days. Excuse me a minute. I have to get my stone crabs.”

“Who’s that?” Rosa wanted to know. “She looks like a big bitch. I like her already.”

Suzanne was carrying a large bag when she came out. “So what are you up to?” she asked me, handing the bag over to the chauffeur.

“I’m trying to find Hooker. These are my friends Rosa and Felicia.”

“Have you gone to the police?” Suzanne asked.

“No. Hooker and I are sort of wanted for multiple counts of murder. Oscar, Spanky’s spotter, Hooker’s security guy…and they’ve probably added Ray by now.”

“That’s ridiculous. Ray isn’t dead,” Suzanne said.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, Ray’s with me. You want to see him?”


Felicia, Rosa, and I got back into the Camry, rolled the windows down, and followed the black limo to Suzanne’s condo. We valet-parked the car and rode the elevator to the twelfth floor. All the time, I was dying to jump up and down and yell and be embarrassingly excited because I’d found Ray. Since I hadn’t a clue as to what was going on, and I didn’t want to screw anything up, I just kept my lips pressed tight together and my hands balled into fists at my side and tried to look calm.

“It’s just a temporary rental until I get everything straightened out,” Suzanne said, plugging her key into the lock. “Still, it’s not bad, and it’s got a great view.”

Tags: Janet Evanovich Alex Barnaby Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025