Motor Mouth (Alex Barnaby 2) - Page 103

Hooker smiled at me. “I could cheer myself up, but it’s a lot nicer when we get cheered up together.”

I smiled back at him. Something to look forward to. Getting cheered up with Hooker was one of my favorite things to do these days.

Suzanne had detoured to the garage area to speak to her crew chief. She stood with one hand on the dog bag, one hand at her side, her feet planted wide. She was very much the owner. Woman in charge. She finished her conversation, turned on her heel, and stalked off to the hauler to meet with Dickie.

“Something else to think about,” I said to Hooker. “Here’s the bad news. Any woman who can swing her ass like that in four-inch heels and has mother bear programmed into her hormone system will do whatever needs to be done to keep the cubs in pizza money. I wouldn’t be surprised if she used her technology to keep cheating. It’s virtually undetectable.”

“Is there good news?” Hooker wanted to know.

“Felicia called me the day after we flew out of Miami. She was walking barefoot through her dining room and pricked her foot on something sharp in the carpet. Turned out it was the chip. Beans hadn’t eaten it after all. I sent it to my pal Steven, and he backed his way through it and reproduced it for me. I just got it from FedEx yesterday. And not only do I have the duplicated technology, but I’ve come up with a way to improve on it. Because in our case, the driver would be controlling the technology, I can insert the remote into a man’s sport watch, eliminating the need for the relay.”

Hooker slid an arm around my shoulders and hugged me into him. “Darlin’!”

Tags: Janet Evanovich Alex Barnaby Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025