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Bad Habit (Bad Love 1)

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Jackson’s jaw clenches, but he doesn’t answer. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. Dash is protective, in the way that every big brother is, but this? This reaction is completely foreign to me.

“Dash, I told you I was going out with friends. What’s the problem?”

“The problem is that you didn’t mention him.”

“We’re just hanging out,” Jackson tries, but Dash cuts his eyes to his, and Jackson wisely shuts up.

“You. Keep your hands to yourself. And you,” Dash says, turning his attention to me, “be smart.”

Dash turns and heads back to his group of friends on the other side of the dark, dank basement. The air seems to shift, and I hold my breath, somehow aware that something big is about to happen. My eyes follow Dash in slow motion, and my heart sinks like a ton of bricks when I lock eyes with him. Asher fucking Kelley.

Asher stands there, unmoving. Adrian and their friends are laughing and talking all around him, but he’s zeroed in on me. I hear Jackson whisper-yelling at Brett for not warning him that my brother would be here, but it’s all that I can do to focus on the important stuff, like standing upright and breathing. I can barely make out his face in the dark, with only glow sticks haphazardly tossed around for light, but I know it’s him. I can feel it. I can feel him. And more than that, I can feel the rage floating off him in waves. But what does he have to be angry about? He’s the one who left me. Lovesick and lonesome. If anyone’s allowed to be upset here, it’s me.

I force myself to turn my back on him, already feeling the loss. I don’t want him to know he can still get to me. I don’t even know if he remembers that night. Asher pretty much stayed drunk back then, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s changed.

Nat’s face is suddenly in my line of vision, and I do my best to blink away thoughts of Asher.

“I think I just came,” she breathes, fanning herself. “When did your brother get all hot and…growly?”

“Apparently, it’s a new development,” I say bitterly. Jackson and Brett finish their little lover’s quarrel and come stand next to us.

“I’m sorry,” I start. “I have no idea why he’s even here.”

“It’s all good,” Jackson says, running a hand through his perfect teen-heartthrob hair, flashing a cocky grin.

“I don’t know what his deal is,” I admit distractedly, because my brain is still stuck on Asher. Why is he here? Where did he go? What happened? Why is he looking at me like that? I lost my first love and my best friend that night. I never thought I’d see him again, and now he’s here, hanging out with my brother like nothing ever happened. His dad served time soon after he left, but he got out after less than a year, and he’s been rotting in that god-forsaken house ever since.

“Earth to Briar?” Nat pulls me from my chaotic thoughts once again. “Okay, I sent the boys to get us drinks. Spill.” I take a quick glance around and confirm that Jackson and Brett are, in fact, nowhere to be seen.

“What do you mean?” I usually tell Nat everything. And I mean everything. But I can’t have this conversation. Not here, and not now.

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t just try to play dumb. I know something is bothering you, and I have a feeling it’s not the fact that your brother just cockblocked you.”

“He’s here,” I say, widening my eyes for emphasis.

“Who?” Nat immediately scans the building, her eyebrows pinched together in confusion.


“Asher?!” she whisper-yells, and I send a pointy elbow into her side. “Ow! He’s not fucking Voldemort. You can say his name.”

“Say it a little louder. Please,” I deadpan. Jackson and Brett are walking toward us now, a six pack of beer in tow. “Okay, they’re back. Don’t say anything. And don’t make this weird. Please.” Nat makes the “cross my heart” gesture before turning her attention to the guys. Super reassuring.

“Try holding on to this one this time, butterfingers,” Jackson quips, and I accept the beer, downing the entire thing in one gulp.

Jackson whistles and a few people cheer, while Nat gives me the “Oh, honey…” look. I glance up to see Dash making his way over, concern tugging at his expression. Asher’s face becomes visible as he steps out of the shadows, but he does nothing but glare as he walks toward me. This is literally the last thing I need in my life right now. Asher, Dash, and I in the same room for the first time in three years. Dash still has no idea what happened that night, and even though I’m dying to confront Asher, it has to stay that way. For everyone’s sake.

I look to Nat, wordlessly pleading with my eyes for her to do something, anything to break the tension. She gives me an almost imperceptible nod, letting me know she understands.

God, I love her.

“Soooo,” she singsongs, climbing onto an old upside-down paint bucket with a devious look in her eyes. “Who wants to go exploring?”

Phones and flashlights are whipped out, and Adrian and Dash take the lead, Natalia hot on their heels. Asher hangs back, not making a move, as everyone else follows suit. Our eyes connect, and I wait for him to reveal some hint of the boy I grew up with, but there’s nothing. Nothing except contempt, and maybe even disgust. I rub my arms, suddenly feeling cold and insecure under his icy glare, even in the stifling heat.

I turn my back on him and catch up to our group, digging my phone out of my back pocket to use for light, but my battery is at five percent. Shit. I tuck my phone back into my jeans. I’ll have to make sure to stick close to everyone without my own light.

This place is seriously creepy. Graffiti covers every surface, and everything is in shambles. We pass what must have been the bathroom, full of crushed porcelain and crumbling concrete before entering another big, open room.

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