Bad Influence (Bad Love 3) - Page 64

And by put some clothes on, I mean find Jess.

* * *

MY SISTER GOT MARRIED. MY sister got married without me there. I meant it when I said I was happy for her, but I won’t say it feels good to know she didn’t want me involved. It’s just another reminder that you can’t ever go back to the way things were. Lo’s married and going back to school. Dare’s got his shop. Allie’s got her music. Everyone’s reaching their goals and dreams, and I’m over here just…drifting with no real direction. No real purpose.

“You okay?” Allie’s soft voice asks from the doorway of the bathroom. Hands braced on the edge of the sink, I meet her eyes in the reflection of the mirror. She’s thrown a baggy T-shirt over her swimming suit, hair still up in a lopsided ponytail, but she looks fucking beautiful.

“Fine,” I clip out, hating that I sound like an asshole when Allie didn’t do a damn thing to deserve it.

She pushes off the doorframe, making her way toward me. Her arms wrap around my middle, palms flattening against my stomach, cheek pressing against my back. I squeeze my eyes shut, allowing her touch to calm the storm inside me.

I shouldn’t have taken her virginity, but when she offered it up on a fucking silver platter, I was too goddamn weak to walk away. This whole week, I ignored my obligations and allowed myself to pretend with Allie. I allowed myself to pretend my life wasn’t a shit show, and I allowed myself to feel what it might be like to really be with her.

But now, the voicemails are piling up. Spring Break is over. Dare and Lo are home, and Allie’s made it more than clear she doesn’t want to be seen with a fuck-up like me in public.

“I have to go out of town,” I say, feeling her tense behind me. “Have some stuff to take care of.”

“Are you ever going to tell me where you go?” she asks, letting go of me. I spin around, lifting her up before setting her on the counter, standing between her knees.

“It’s not for you to worry about.” I rub the outsides of her thighs, unable to stop touching her.

She scowls at me, her lips twisting, making her dimple more prominent on the right side. “When will you be back?”

“Couple days.” I shrug.

She pushes off the counter, her pussy rubbing against my cock as she slides down my body before stepping away. I groan and her lips tip up in a slow smile, knowing exactly what she’s doing to me. She’s trying to make it hard to leave, and it’s working. “Guess I’ll see you then.”


* * *

“ARE YOU NERVOUS?” GARRETT ASKS, taking a stack of flyers from me. I’ve spent the whole week getting everything in order for tomorrow night, and now, all that’s left to do is spread the word and hope like hell everything runs smoothly. Garrett’s going to tell his crowd, Halston’s going to tell the dorms and her friends who like to party, and I plan to spam every surface of Kerrigan. I’ve already hit Blackbear and Bad Intentions and put it out on social media. Between the three of us, I think we’ve covered all the bases.


“Liar,” Halston accuses, as I pin one of the hot pink flyers to a bulletin board. “Seriously, nothing is going on this weekend. You should be worrying about being over capacity, if anything.”

I snort. “Doubtful.” The flyer boasts of dollar drinks for the first hour, so it should appeal to everyone whether it’s their typical scene or not, but I’m not expecting anything crazy.

“She’s right,” Garrett says. “Chill. If you build it, they will come.”

Halston and I exchange confused looks.

“Come on,” Garrett prompts, clearly disappointed that we don’t get the reference. “Field of Dreams? 1989. Kevin Costner. Guy turns his cornfield into a baseball field for dead ballplayers?”

“Sounds riveting,” Halston deadpans.

“Sorry.” I laugh with a shrug.

“You guys suck.” He waves the stack of flyers at me. “I’m going to go hand these out to people who’ve seen movies made before the year 2010.”

“Thanks for your help!” I call after his retreating back.

“Whatever happened with him?” Halston asks, hooking an arm around my shoulders as we walk toward her dorm.

“Nothing happened,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I told you. We’re friends. What’s going on with you and Sully? Still giving him the cold shoulder?”

She drops her head back with a groan. “He’s driving me insane, but yes. I’m still ignoring his existence.”

Tags: Charleigh Rose Bad Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024