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Stepdaddy Savage (Savage People 1)

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Finally, after what feels like forever, I’m making Dahlia my fucking wife. My wife. Funny how different it feels when it’s real. Marrying Annabelle never felt like a huge sacrifice because I never imagined I’d end up wanting more from a woman than a roll in the hay or two. And let’s be honest, being married to Annabelle never got in the way of that. It took this barely legal, spitfire of a girl to bring me to my knees.

I get up, kiss her deeply, and then pull back, looking into her eyes. Wordlessly, I try to convey what I’m feeling in this moment, knowing without a doubt that she feels it, too. Love. I don’t need to say it, it’s here in the room. Here in my heart. Here, fucking everywhere.

“Are you ready to make me some Savage babies?” I ask, smiling a rare smile into our kiss, and she nods against my lips. She pulls back and her teeth cut into her bottom lip.

“Well,” She rubs her taut stomach nervously. “I think we can count on at least one for sure.” I stare dumbly, trying to process what she’s saying when she pulls something out of the back pocket of her obscenely short shorts. A pregnancy test? “I was going to surprise you with it over dinner tonight,” she admits as she looks up at me through her eyelashes. She looks equal parts innocent and seductive and holy fucking shit we are having a baby.

It finally hits me, and my jaw drops open. I don’t expect the sudden onslaught of emotion crashing into my chest.

Dahlia takes my shocked face into her hands, lightly raking her fingernails through my stubble.

I fucking love when she does that.

“Say something!” She shrieks, tears swimming in her eyes. “You’re going to be a daddy, daddy.”

I grip the back of her neck and kiss her again like the savage that I am, pouring everything I can’t put into words into this kiss. I move down to the hollow of her throat, nipping, sucking and licking everywhere on my way up her neck and jawline. She lets out a whine and the sound goes straight to my dick. When I get to her ear, I pull the lobe in between my teeth, enjoying her sharp intake of air before releasing it.

My voice is low and gruff when I breathe into her ear, “I was your daddy first.”

When we decided to team up and write Stepdaddy Savage, it was all about having fun with each other and with our readers. Writing books can often be stressful, and the pressure to top your last release is insane. We didn’t want that for Charleigh Rose. We wanted her to have fun, and she did.

We mean, we did.

And here’s a list of people who made it happen: Barbara, our awesome editor. Thanks for having such a good eye for detail and for killing it with this edit. Author K Webster for making this teaser and just for being such an awesome woman. We knew you’d like Graham. You like the taboo stuff.

To Ames, our sweet Beta and the woman of our dreams for making this story better than it was, and to our families, who put up with our long hours of working.

Finally, to you, our new readers. There’s so much more things we wanna show and share with you. Stay tuned.


Charleigh Rose.

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