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Savage Savior (Savage People 3)

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“Carter,” she purrs, placing a hand over his coat, right above his heart. “I’ve missed you. It’s been what, two weeks since we’ve been together?” She giggles. I don’t think I even notice when my mouth slacks open, and I blink away my tears.

Two weeks ago? Surely it can’t be.

Carter is still frozen, his jaw ticking, staring at her like she cast a spell on him. Like he can’t move or speak because of her. I get a sinking feeling in my gut. But she continues.

“You know, when you rushed off to the hospital or something.” She waves her long, red fingernails in my general direction before turning her whole body toward me, acknowledging me for the very first time since we bumped into each other on this street.

Gia starts barking at Mandy’s feet. Baring her little teeth for the world to see. I shush her softly and pick her up to my chest, kissing the top of her head.

“Hey, Mandy.” I try to sound casual. I’m shattering from the inside. It is the same feeling I got when I found out Mom had died. The sense of loss is so profound you can’t even comprehend it. Not at first, anyway. But I don’t let it show, because she can’t see me break. No. This time I will at least pretend that I’m okay, even if it kills me.

“Quinn, you look awful. You should really start investing in some makeup. Maybe a shower. Aren’t you a waitress at Hot N’ Bothered? I’m surprised they let you work there. They’re known for their sexy staff, and I mean, there’s a bit of chub here and there.” She wiggles her devilish brows at my stomach, and I cock one eyebrow, crossing my arms with Gia still in them, waiting for the penny to drop.

“Oh, that’s right.” She nods, whistling. “Preggers, right? And out of wedlock. Well, no surprises there.”

“How did you—?”

“Know?” Mandy interrupts, smugly. “Heard it at the club, of course.” She shrugs. “I hear a lot of things there, actually,” she taunts with a devilish look in her eyes.

“Get the hell away from her,” Carter barks, finally springing into action. At first, I am too stunned to even realize who he is talking to. Mandy or me? I am so unsure of everything that I wouldn’t be surprised if it is her he is protecting. But the arm he uses to secure me, snaking it around my waist and collecting me into his body, says it all.

“Don’t ever talk to her like that,” Carter whispers hotly. And just like that, my doubts disintegrate. Like his words and his touch can make everything better instantly.

Mandy shakes her head and rolls her eyes, flinging her arms in the air, exasperated.

“Carter! Quinn is my cousin. I can’t believe you had sex with both of us. Did you know?” She stubs an accusing finger into his chest. He doesn’t say a word. Just narrows his eyes at her, willing her to say anything else to me.

Oh, God.

He is not denying it.

He did sleep with her.

“Carter?” I ask, breaking from his touch and taking a step back. Gia is shivering in my hands. She really doesn’t like staying in the cold for so long. But I can’t seem to unglue my feet from the situation, so I just press her deeper into my coat. “Is it true? Did you really sleep with Mandy?”

I want to hear the word no, but like anything in life, I know that it is more than likely that I’m not going to get what I am asking for. Carter hangs his head in shame, shaking his head, refusing to look at me. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

“Tell me it’s not true.” My voice is quivering. I don’t dare to blink because I don’t want the unshed tears to fall.

“Quinn, it isn’t what you think…” Carter starts by saying, turning toward me. When people utter those words, it usually means the complete opposite. Mandy is quick to interject.

“Come on, it is exactly what she thinks. Not only have we slept together,” she brags, puffing her chest out almost theatrically, “but he also showed me the really kinky shit. I mean, it wasn’t a threesome with Jade kind of kinky, but kinky nonetheless.” She bites her lip suggestively.

I can’t be here. I cannot hear this right now. Jade and Carter? That would never happen. Carter wouldn’t live to tell about it. Cole would annihilate him. I need to get far away from Mandy or I will very literally kill her. My legs carry me as far away from the situation as I can get. Gia is still clutched to my chest, and she is barking like mad, her little body shaking with her rage against my chest, but I don’t stop.

Carter is running after me, and of course, he is faster. He is begging for me to listen to him. I recognize the words, but don’t decipher them completely. It’s like being underwater. Everything is distorted and muffled and I want to step away from this situation, but I can’t. Not even when I lock the door to my apartment behind me, leaving Carter outside.

It’s still in my head. It’s everywhere.

Carter slept with Mandy—my worst enemy—while I was in the hospital finding out that I was pregnant with our child.

Carter betrayed me.

I’m done chasing after him. This time, I’m cutting him loose and letting him go. For good.

They say you never need to tell a true man how to be one. It is, apparently, in our gene pool. We’re either bad or good. Or maybe we’re neither, but those of us who know right from wrong can temper with their behavior to suit the general society.

I’ve been trying to be that man for three months now.

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