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Savage Savior (Savage People 3)

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As soon as we are back inside the Batmobile though, the silence hangs between us and my false bravado wanes. I don’t feel bad about what I just did. My pride is hurt that he got the upper hand. Again. How does he always do that? He should want me so badly that he can’t resist me, right? So why does it feel like I’m always the one practically panting for more and he’s over there cool as a freaking cucumber. I’m staring out the window, wondering where the hell we are going while simultaneously planning Operation: Seduce Stepdaddy Savage when I feel his hand on my knee, calloused, hot and possessive. I flinch, startled, but continue to look out the window, nibbling on my thumbnail like he didn’t just set me on fire with one single touch. What would it feel like if his hand drifted up just a few more inches? Goosebumps cover my skin just thinking about it.

“What’s with the pouting?” His thumb rubs small circles on my knee and distracts me from my little tantrum. I squeeze my knees together, trying to ignore the need that’s building between them. I still don’t respond. “I’m not playing this game, Little Dolly. Too old for that shit. Tell me what’s wrong or get over it.”

Get over it? He wants me to get over it? He made me suck his cock in his office, this is the second time in a row he gets what he wants from me, and never reciprocated. I’m not even sure ‘reciprocate’ is a word he has in his vocabulary.

“Why don’t you want me?”

I blurt the words out before I can stop myself and my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

He rears his head back and looks slightly enraged. What does he have to be upset about? I’m the one who is continuously rejected.

At first he doesn’t say a word. He simply swings into a parking lot and finally turns to face me.

Oh, shit.

“What on earth about my behavior these past couple of weeks pushed you to that conclusion? Was it when I had you dance for me and had blue balls for a fucking week? Was it when I made you come while I watched? Or how about when I confessed that I married your lowlife mother for you? That everything in these past few years has. Been. For. You.”

My chin starts to wobble and my eyes fill with unshed tears.

“Well, when you put it like that…”

God, I’m an idiot. I’m so afraid to let myself think that whatever we have, that this connection between us, is real. I’ve never really had anyone who stuck around, besides Jade. Even my mom bails whenever she gets the chance. I’ve always felt alone in this life. If I let myself become dependent on anyone else and it didn’t work out, it would make going back to my solitary existence unbearable. I’d know exactly what I’d be missing out on. But right now, looking into his eyes that are full of truth and conviction, I realize that it’s too late for that. I’m already his.

My eyes start to water and my bottom lip starts to wobble. I feel so stupid. He smooths my chin out with his thumb.

“Don’t be a brat, Dolly. I want you. I want inside you. But I mostly just want you. I want this. I know you’re not used to having someone who genuinely gives a shit about you. Well, I’m not used to genuinely giving a shit about anyone. Ever. This is new for both of us. Don’t self-sabotage because you don’t know how to let me…” He trails off, jaw clenched, like he didn’t mean to divulge all of that.

“Let you what?” I’m sure my eyes are as big as saucers, and I hate the hopefulness, the desperation that I know he can detect in my voice.

“Nothing. Let’s get you home.”

“I thought we were going somewhere else?” My whole body sags with disappointment.

“Another time.”

That’s all he gives me before pulling out of the parking lot and back onto the street.

“Don’t be mad,” I say as I pick at my fingernails and stare into my lap.

“I’m not mad at you. I just want to be home with you right now.”

Home. Our home. Just the two of us. At least, until she comes back…

Rain is still falling as we get home like the universe senses yet another shift between us, but neither one is in any hurry to get inside. Graham helps me out of the car and takes my hand. He holds it all the way to the front door. We jog lightly, backs hunched to cover our heads from the rain. I feel warmth and safety radiating from the way he holds onto my hand. And holy shit, I’m doing this with my step-dad. Somehow, even after sucking him off earli

er, this feels like the most intimate thing we’ve done. Sure, we both have been lusting for each other, but the way he just casually took my hand, like it was the most natural thing in the world, feels like so much more.

Graham unlocks the door, and once we’re inside, he kicks it closed. He then turns around so suddenly that I back up into the closed door with a little gasp. He puts his forehead against mine, breathing ragged, eyes closed, fists clenched on either side of my head. We are both soaking wet and a puddle is forming at our feet. The house is pitch black and my mother’s drunken murmurs from the kitchen is noticeably absent. What is going through his mind right now? I don’t have time to contemplate because all of the sudden, his mouth is on mine, his thick tongue swirling around mine. He kisses me desperately, savagely, while he grips my hair at the nape of my neck. He gives a sharp tug, and it’s like a direct line to my clit.

I moan into his mouth, and return his kiss with fervor. He abruptly pulls back and I whine in protest while pushing out my bottom lip in an admittedly immature move. Graham grips my face in his hands, and scans it for something, though I’m not sure what. He seems to come to a conclusion though, because he wordlessly grabs my hand again, and leads me upstairs. He hesitates at my door for only a second before continuing to his room. My mom doesn’t share his room. Neither of us are allowed in there. No one is, not even the cleaning service. Mom’s room is at one end of the hall, and Graham’s is on the other. Mine is right in between.

I tug on his hand to get his attention.

“What are you doing, Graham?”

He turns around to address me, and I crane my neck to look into his eyes, that are completely unreadable. I can’t figure out if he wants to eat me or kill me.

“You’re sleeping with me from now on.” He says it with such finality and I can’t help but feel a little thrill at the thought of sharing a room with him.

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