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Fighter in Lingerie (Lingerie 14)

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“Psychotic? You tried to dump him, and he wouldn’t let you. He thinks the rules don’t apply to him.”

“And you know what?” I challenged. “I’m glad he didn’t let me walk away. He said he wanted a real chance with me, and once I gave it to him, he showed me that he’s sensitive, loving, and gentle. He’s not just the monster you perceive him to be.”

“Fuck, this is worse than I thought.” He rubbed the back of his head, his chest puffing up with the deep breaths he took.

“Please tell me you didn’t tell my father about any of this?”

He looked me in the eye and shook his head. “No. But that’s because Bosco told me you asked for an expiration date.”

So they’d actually spoken to each other? “When did you talk to him?”

His eyes narrowed in ferocity. “The man showed up to my house at four in the morning—where my pregnant wife sleeps.”

My heart fell in my chest. “I know he would never hurt either of you…” I refused to believe Bosco would intimidate my family with his army of men.

“He came unarmed and alone,” Griffin said. “But I don’t give a shit. He crossed a line, Carmen.”

“And what did he say to you?”

“He threatened me to keep my mouth shut.”

The disappointment rushed through me.

“He said he doesn’t want to kill us, but if we move against him, he will. So he encouraged me not to tell your father and your uncle. The only reason I agreed is because of your agreement. When your time is over, you can walk away.”

That deadline was only a few weeks away now. I couldn’t believe how quickly the time had passed. Now we only had a month left together. I agreed to this contract because it gave me everything I wanted—time to enjoy him and an escape route. But the idea of leaving him behind and marrying someone else filled me with unexpected sadness.

“You will walk away, right?” Griffin moved closer to me, examining my face with an intense expression. “When your time is over, you will leave him and move on? Tell me that so I can let this go.”

That was the plan, but the idea of actually going through with it sounded horrible.

“Carmen?” he pressed. “I need to know this is gonna end. Once I do, I can relax. If he’s going to remain a dirty secret that only we know about, then I can keep your secret. But if he’s gonna be a part of our lives forever…I can’t betray your father and uncle.”

“Even if that were the case, who I’m sleeping with is none of their business.”

He looked pissed again. “When you’re fucking the most dangerous man in the country, it is their business.” He held my gaze without blinking, drilling his thoughts deep inside me. He pressed his finger to the counter. “By fucking him, you’re endangering all of us.”

“He would never hurt any of you.”

“If we became a problem, yes, he would. He said it to my face.”

“I know him,” I said with confidence. “He would never hurt you—because it would hurt me. He puts on an act for everyone else, and I’m sure he means it at the time, but when it comes to us, he’s different. As long as you don’t tell my father, there will never be a problem anyway—”

“Are you going to leave him or not?” He slammed his hand down on the counter. “Answer me.”

I had to remind myself that nothing had changed. Bosco and I might have developed a deeper connection, an intimate relationship that I would never find with anyone else, but that didn’t change what came next. There was no future with this man. There was no marriage, children, or dinners with my family. If Griffin was this upset about it, my father’s behavior would only be similar. I would probably never find another man who would make me forget about Bosco entirely, but at least I would have the other things I needed. I dreaded the moment I would pack up my things and leave, saying goodbye to a man I’d given myself to completely. But the ending had been written before we even began. I’d told Bosco what would happen, that I wouldn’t change my mind about my decision. He would let me go because he was a good man who kept his word. And that would be the end. “Yes. I am.”

When I came home from work, Bosco acted like nothing had happened. In just his sweatpants, he kissed me when I walked through the door. His fingers moved into my hair as he cupped my neck, and he lavished me with the same intimacy he showed me every night before we went to sleep. He sucked my bottom lip gently before he let me go. “Beautiful.” He rubbed his nose against mine before he stepped away.

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