72that...profess your profession, witchcraft
75yeasty foaming
77bladed...lodged ripe wheat be flattened
79slope bend
81Nature's germens the essential seeds of nature
82sicken surfeit
85masters instruments, agents, experts (the spirits through whom they communicate with the occult world-a master is a skilled workman)
87nine farrow litter of nine; sweaten exuded
90office function
96harped hit the tune of
106take a bond of secure a guarantee from
110-11round...top crown
117impress conscript
118bodements prophecies
121lease of nature full life span
121-22pay...custom be obligated only to age and normal death
124issue offspring
133 s.d.glass mirror
138Start burst, start from your sockets
143twofold...scepters two orbs and three scepters (the British royal insignia)
145blood-boltered matted with blood
147-54 (a non-Shakespearean addition)
149sprites spirits
152antic round grotesque dance
166anticipat'st forestall
167flighty fleeting
169-70firstlings...my hand i.e., I shall act at the moment I feel the first impulse
175trace follow; line family line
IV.2 Macduff's castle at Fife
4traitors i.e., betray our interests