ROSENCRANTZ Happily377 he's the second time come to them, for
they say an old man is twice a child.
HAMLET I will prophesy: he comes to tell me of the players,
mark it.-- You say right, sir: for a Monday morning, 'twas so380
POLONIUS My lord, I have news to tell you.
HAMLET My lord, I have news to tell you.
When Roscius384, an actor in Rome--
POLONIUS The actors are come hither, my lord.
HAMLET Buzz, buzz386!
POLONIUS Upon mine honour--
HAMLET Then came each actor on his ass388--
POLONIUS The best actors in the world, either for tragedy,
comedy, history, pastoral, pastorical-comical, historical—
pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical—
pastoral, scene individable, or poem unlimited. Seneca392
cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light. For the law of393
writ and the liberty, these are the only men.
HAMLET O Jephthah, judge of Israel, what a treasure hadst395
POLONIUS What a treasure had he, my lord?
'One fair daughter and no more399,
The which he loved passing400 well.'
POLONIUS Still on my daughter.
HAMLET Am I not i'th'right, old Jephthah?
POLONIUS If you call me Jephthah, my lord, I have a daughter
that I love passing well.