106 mettle temperament, spirit
107 skirts outlying parts
108 sharked up gathered up indiscriminately, as a shark does fish/seized upon like a predator 108 list troop
108 resolutes resolved people/desperadoes
109 For ... enterprise i.e. men who will serve in return for food/men who will serve to feed the enterprise 110 a stomach courage/an appetite
111 state governing powers
113 compulsative compulsory
116 head origin
117 post-haste great speed
117 rummage turmoil, bustle
118 soft wait a moment
118 Lo look
119 cross it challenge it/make the sign of the cross at it/cross its path (believed to expose one to evil influence) 119 blast wither/destroy
126 haply perhaps
127 uphoarded hoarded up
128 Extorted wrongfully obtained
131 partisan long-handled spear
132 stand stop, remain
147 Th'extravagant and erring the wandering and straying (out of bounds) 147 hies hastens
148 confine specific region/place of confinement
149 probation proof
151 gainst in anticipation of/just before
152 our Saviour i.e. Jesus Christ
153 bird of dawning i.e. the cock
155 wholesome healthy (damp night air was usually viewed as noxious) 155 strike destroy with evil influence
156 talks whispers spells (some editors prefer Quarto's "takes," enchants/steals) 156 charm cast spells
157 hallowed holy
157 gracious full of divine grace
159 russet reddish brown (from the coarse cloth of that color)
Act 1 Scene 2