51 anchor's cheer the provisions or lifestyle of an anchorite (i.e. hermit) 51 scope limit
52 Sense senses, feeling (in the following line the sense shifts to "reason") 53 motion the power of movement/emotions and impulses
54 apoplexed paralyzed
54 err err in this manner/err to this degree
55 ecstasy madness
55 thralled enslaved
56 quantity small amount
57 serve ... difference enable it to distinguish between the two men 59 sans without
61 mope be stupefied/wander aimlessly
62 sense ... devil destroys all sensitivity to devilish practices 64 use habit/undertaking
65 frock monk's clothing/man's coat/dress
65 livery uniform
66 aptly readily
68 use habit
69 [] a verb is missing here; editors often insert "master" or, more recently, "shame"
70 wondrous potency extraordinary power
74 sweep my way clear my path
75 marshal guide
76 enginer constructor of military engines (weaponry)/plotter 77 Hoist ... petard blown up by his own bomb
77 and't ... But unless luck is against me
78 delve ... mines i.e. countermine by digging deeper than and intercepting the enemy mines 80 crafts cunning plots
81 powers troops
87 main main part
89 addition exaggeration
92 farm rent
94 ranker higher
94 fee fee simple, i.e. sold outright, with no conditions 98 Will ... straw are not enough to fight out this trifling issue 99 th'imposthume abscess
102 buy i.e. be with
104 straight straightaway
105 inform against betray/bring a charge against