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The Snow Leopard's Heart (Glacier Leopards 4)

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He unbuttoned her jeans, and Nina lifted her hips to let him pull them down. He got stuck down by her ankles, because her shoes were still on.

He flashed her a rueful grin. "Didn't think this through."

"Hurry," Nina told him, because the ache between her legs was starting to sharpen. She could feel her pulse down there, in her clit, and she wanted him to touch her.

She wasn't used to this. She hardly ever paid any attention to sexual feelings, had only ever touched herself a few times, when she was young and exploring, before she'd left her parents' house. It had always seemed like too much trouble after she was on her own, and sex had been so underwhelming that she'd figured she wouldn't get much of a reward out of it.

Now, she was having a hard time keeping her hands out of her own panties, as Joel undid her laces and slipped off her shoes one by one. He closed his hands over her left foot once it was bare, rubbed it hard, his thumb firm against the arch, and Nina's hips came right off the ground at the jolt of pleasure.

"Hurry," she told him again. This time, her voice came out low and ragged.

Joel did. He stripped her jeans and her socks off all at once, and came up again between her legs, eyes fixed on the scrap of white cotton between Nina and nakedness.

But he didn't yank it off immediately. Instead, he reached out a hand and stroked over the damp fabric.

Nina made a surprised noise at the drag of the fabric over her clit. Her muscles were starting to clench in a way she'd never felt before, clench and relax, as her clit jumped. Joel touched her through her panties again, and then started to rub, gently but firmly.

It was insane. The only place he was touching her was just the tips of his fingers against that tiny, tiny spot, and her panties were still in the way. But it was like her entire being was focused on her clit, all of her nerves concentrated just right there, blood rushing to swell it until it was so sensitive she could hardly stand it.

Joel kept up that rubbing motion, catching at her pleasure through the soaked cotton, over and over and over—

Then he leaned down and kissed her inner thigh, and the feeling of his lips, his stubble rasping on the smooth, sensitive skin, sent Nina past some indefinable edge. Her muscles clenched hard, and pleasure ripped through her, leaving her gasping and spasming against Joel's fingers.

"Wow," she breathed. "Wow. That's...that's never happened to me before."

Joel leaned back, startled. "Wait, never? You've never—"

"I've had sex before," she said quickly, not wanting him to think she was totally inexperienced. But honesty compelled her to add, "I've just's never been like this."

Joel's face did something complicated; Nina couldn't quite figure out what the expression meant. But then it smoothed out into something that was definitely resolve. "Well, we're going to fix that," he told her, and then, finally, he yanked her panties off.

And then he went down.

Nina shrieked in surprised when his tongue touched her, a small and high-pitched noise that she couldn't have kept in to save her life. Joel pulled back slightly. "Too much?"

Was it too much? "No," she said, faintly. "No, keep going."

So he did. And somehow, through some kind of Joel-specific magic, he caught the end of the orgasm she'd just had, her first ever orgasm, which was still wringing her out a bit, little twitches and shocks of pleasure. Joel caught one of those with his tongue, and then another, and then suddenly they weren't winding down anymore, but building up.

He brought her off again in no time. It was like, now that her body had figured out how to do this, it was the easiest thing in the world to get it to do it again. Nina’s hips jerked against Joel’s mouth as he sucked lightly on her clit, and she cried out even more loudly when she came again.

The second orgasm was shorter than the first, but more intense, concentrated pleasure that sent her right out of her head for a long minute. When she came back, she was gasping.

Joel had lifted his head. “Need a break?”

In answer, Nina pulled him down for a kiss. He came forward immediately, kissing her hard and with a

n edge of desperation. He’d been hiding that well, she thought. Keeping his own desire back in favor of focusing on hers.

Well, not anymore. Nina arched up under him, her arms around his back, urging him down. She was strong enough to make it insistent, and he came willingly, his body pressing against her.

“Inside me,” Nina murmured into his mouth. “Come on.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, that ragged edge audible in his voice as well.

“Yes, I’m sure. I want you in me.”

And she did. Somehow, even two orgasms in a row hadn’t left her satisfied. She felt empty, which was another thing that had never happened to her. But there was definitely a sense of being unfulfilled, of needing more. She could feel his erection, long and thick against her thigh, and she wanted to feel it pushing inside her.

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