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Accidental Kiss (Accidental Hook-Up 2)

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Libby had hired the best wedding planners to help her put together the dream wedding she’d always envisioned since she was just a little girl. I had to push her and prod her a little bit to get comfortable with the idea that she really could have whatever type of wedding she’d always dreamt of. There was nothing out of reach for her. She was my wife; and I was going to give my wife whatever in the world she desired, especially on her perfect day. No way would I ever allow a limitation on that.

So I kept upping her. Whatever she suggested, I countered with something even bigger. And we kept up this little game until we had the biggest, most outrageous wedding that had been devised possibly in history. The decorations were outstanding. All of the A list celebrities were there, everyone who was anyone from the large business community had come, and of course all of our families had been flown in.

The wedding was phenomenal, but the after party—the reception—that was going to really blow things out of the water. We’d settled on a magic theme, since both of us were interested in that and we’d invited one of Las Vegas’s biggest magicians to come and perform for us—Michael Eddie. He was by far one of Libby’s favorite magicians, and she’d actually turned me on to a lot of his work. The stage was huge, the effects were out of this world, and the party atmosphere could not have been competed with anywhere on the planet. I was sure of it.

Toby of course looked extra adorable as our ring bearer.

As Libby walked down the aisle being escorted by her father, she was by far the happiest woman in the world. She was this happy to be with me. That fact blew my mind each and every single day when I realized how lucky I was. I had everything in my life I’d ever wanted. And true love had found me at last, after searching for so long and feeling so lost. Love had found the way to me. And I had allowed myself to become open to it.

And Libby had finally taken a chance on me, on us.

Libby reached the altar and I took her hand guiding her to the front where she then stood with me, smiling her angelic smile, and her emerald eyes looking right into mine.

“You look amazing,” I said.

Libby smiled widely. “So, do you.”

I shrugged. I guess I looked ok.

Libby laughed.

The minister began the ceremony, and I don’t remember much of what he said. I was too much in love with my wife, and too much in love with the splendor and the beauty of the moment we were experiencing right now, finally doing it right.

Libby and I were finally being married in front of our friends and family, the wedding of her dreams, and everything that she deserved. The past few months had flown by with anticipation. We’d settled into our house together and life had become the way that I always knew it could be. I woke up happy and I went to sleep even happier. The days I spent at work were fulfilling, but I counted the minutes until I could be home with my wife and family again.

“These rings are a symbol, the purest symbol of love,” the minister said. “They represent the never ending love between two people because the circle is unbroken. It goes on forever and ever. That is the way love should be. When we lay these circles together so they overlap then that shows those two hearts are connected, that bond is cemented in that loving energy. It will never be broken.”

I listened as the minister went over the final steps of the ceremony and before I knew it I was kissing my bride in front of so many people, all of them a witness to the love that we shared. They had all come to be in the presence of the truest love. I wanted to think it was just because of the amazing party that was destined to follow (and sure that was a big part of it) but most of it was just because people wanted to sit in the presence of real love and know that they have witnessed it.

That was the reason I always came to weddings when I was invited. Of course I don’t think I have ever told anyone that before.

As Libby and I parted lips I held her tightly in my arms. “This is the most amazing moment I believe I have ever experienced.”

Libby leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Oh, I think there will be some more in your future.”

I was not entirely sure what she meant by that at the time, but even then I was sure she was right. I didn’t have to tell my wife that she was so much smarter than I am that it is pretty sad sometimes. But I think I have better jokes. It is a good balance sometimes. And I believe that Toby would agree with me on that.

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