Stupid Love (Stumbling into Love 1) - Page 56

I smiled. Well, I mean, obviously ;).


I paused…thought…stopped thinking. What are you doing today?

Had breakfast with Brooklyn. Just finished my first class. Have another, then I’m free. I know it’s a Monday, but…I was thinking…we should work on that thing we were talking about…

I frowned. Hanging out and having sex with each other? It was all I could think about.

No. Finding your passion.

Oh, that thing *you* were talking about? I wasn’t. I have plenty of passions.

Having sex doesn’t count! he replied, then, What do you like to do?

I sighed, already feeling myself cave. This was going to be a problem because I liked giving Elijah his way and making him happy. I don’t know. Taking photos?

Oooh! Get your camera ready! I’ll come over at 1, and we can go to the park!

His excitement radiated through the phone, and I smiled. Big. Why did he make me big-smile? I didn’t want him to make me smile. It was stupid and felt like breaking my rules. Fine, whatever. But you owe me.

*rolls eyes* Gotta go. See you soon.

And then…I just lay there again, smiling. It was ridiculous, really, all the obsessive smiling. Like a grin was permanently attached to my face now. Like people would look at me weird and be all, What’s up with the guy with the creepy smile? Something is wrong with him. They would be right. Eli was wrong with me.

There were still a few hours before one, so I got out of bed, took a leak, washed my hands, then made coffee. I plugged my camera battery in to make sure it had enough juice. Then I grumbled, cooked breakfast, grumbled more, ate and drank coffee, then grumbled some more while wondering what in the hell I was doing.

Once that was all finished, except for the grumbling part, which I continued to do, I showered, got dressed in a T-shirt and a pair of shorts that did great things for my ass, and…waited. I was waiting for Elijah like some silly, lovestruck teenager, and acknowledging it didn’t make me stop.

At twelve fifty there was a knock on the door, and I gave myself an internal high five because obviously, Elijah was so excited to see me, he was early. Apparently, he had been waiting for me too.

I pulled the door open. “You really did miss me—oh.”

Will frowned. “Don’t look too happy to see me,” he said, walking in. “Who missed you?”

Had I ever mentioned how much the universe hated me? Well, it did. “Nothing. No one. What are you doing?”

“Not much. I was in the area, so I thought I’d come by. What are you up to?”

“About to…go to…Piedmont Park…?” I said as if it was a question.

“Who are you going to the—Oh!” Will’s eyes scanned me up and down as though I had something written on me. “Holy shit. You’re going on a date to hold hands and stroll in the park with your neighbor!”

“How did you get that from what I said?” I shook my head. “You know what? Never mind. I don’t even want to know. There will be no hand-holding or strolling. We’re only going to…” What was I supposed to say? Find my passion? I didn’t think I’d lost it in the park, and I didn’t plan to find it there. Will sure as shit would think I’d lost my mind if I said that was what we were doing. “Hang out. We’re kind of a thing. Not a serious thing. Just a hanging-out thing.”

“A hanging-out thing where you go to the park?”

I threw my hands up. “What’s the big deal about the park? I’ve been there with you a hundred times.”

“Not to hang out. Is this like an exclusive hanging-out thing? Not the park, but all of it? Are you two not hanging out with anyone else?”

I rolled my eyes. “Can we stop saying hang out now? It’s annoying.”

There was another knock on my door, which would of course be Eli. “Be good.”

“I’m always good.” Will grinned. “This is gonna be fun!”

I flipped him off on my way to the door. The second I pulled it open, Elijah swept inside. “You have no idea how prepared I am. What you don’t realize about me is that when I set my mind to something, I’m a man on a mission. We’re going to—oh. Hi.” He finally noticed Will.

“I don’t remember if you guys have officially been introduced. Elijah, this is my best friend, Asshole—Asshole, this is Elijah.”

Will barked out a rough laugh. “Such a charmer, our guy, huh?” He held out his hand for Elijah. “I’m Will. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from Shaw.”

Lying fucker.

“Nice to meet you,” Elijah said. “Am I interrupting?”

“No,” I answered. “Will showed up uninvited, and now he’s leaving.”

Will looked at Elijah. “Such a grump, isn’t he? I don’t know how we deal with it.”

Tags: Riley Hart Stumbling into Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024