Stupid Love (Stumbling into Love 1) - Page 65

“You’re early,” I said when I opened it and saw Shaw standing there.

“You’re welcome.” He grinned and came inside. “I thought you could use some help. You shouldn’t have to cook for everyone. Also, I bought a cake mix. I know you said you like to bake with your mom, and I’m sure you guys make it from scratch, but a box will have to do.”

Blood rushed through my ears, and there was a possibility that little hearts and birds were flying around my head. “You remember that?” I couldn’t even recall when I’d told him, but at some point I must have. How did he not see how good he was at this? At caring for people and listening to them. I knew he was afraid because of his parents, because of Richie, but Shaw would make an excellent partner to someone. He was good to me.

“Why are you looking at me like I hung the moon? It’s just a cake. You romantics are so silly.” He unpacked his grocery bag. “It’s not that big a deal. What are friends for?”

Friends. Right. I pressed my lips together as my heart dropped. We were friends who liked to give each other orgasms. I would be smart to remember that. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”


“Are you going to help me or what?”

Shaw sighed. “Yeah, I’m gonna help you.”

I was making baked chicken, macaroni and cheese, and a salad. Everything was out on the counter, so Shaw and I set to work. He asked what to do and kept busy as we mixed ingredients and worked through the recipes I’d been given by my mom. My apartment had a double oven, so we were able to put the chicken and pasta in one and the cake in the other.

Before I knew it, six thirty rolled around, and there was a knock on the door. I went to answer it, but Shaw’s hand wrapped around my wrist, and he tugged me toward him. “Hey…I didn’t mean anything by that comment. I wasn’t trying to say anything.”

“I know. And you weren’t wrong. We’re friends.”

With one hand on the back of my neck, he leaned down and kissed me just as the door opened.

“Oh God. My eyes!” Will said. “I can’t believe you kiss Shaw. He’s so gross.”

I turned to look, and he and Danny were both standing there. Will must have knocked first, and then Danny arrived and they came in. Danny tugged at his ear, which I knew he did when he was uncomfortable or unsure. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen me with a guy, but it was the first time he looked at me that way when he did.

“First, fuck you,” Shaw said. “Second, can you stop following me? I told you I was going to be with E tonight. I swear I can’t get away from you no matter how hard I try,” he teased Will.

Danny cleared this throat. “Well, everyone likes me around, so…”

I lightly pinched Shaw’s hip, hoping he wouldn’t say anything sarcastic to Danny. I wasn’t sure we were ready for that. He chuckled so softly, I was sure no one heard but me.

“I take it you two have met,” Shaw said, “but if not—Danny, Will; Will, Danny. Who wants something to drink? We have…” He opened the fridge. “Alcohol, water, juice, alcohol, soda, oh, and did I mention alcohol?”

“Oh my God! Stop. We don’t need alcohol.” I playfully pushed him out of the way. “I mean, we have it, and no judgment if that’s what anyone wants.”

“I’m being polite,” Shaw offered.

“Nah, I need to stay sober to see Domesticated Shaw. It’s cute—being all boyfriend-y and stuff,” Will said, and I felt Shaw tense beside me. “Do you guys mind if I record this? I think I’ll record this.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

“Oh, wow, look at the time,” Shaw said. “So sorry Will has to be going.”

Will walked over and gave Shaw an exaggerated hug. “I’m just giving you shit, man. Totally supportive and running my campaign for Best Man at the wedding.”

“Okay!” I said, a little too loudly. “No wedding. We’re just hanging out.” The last two words felt sticky in my mouth.

“Exclusively,” Shaw added, surprising me. When I turned to look at him, he gave me what might have been the first bashful smile I’d ever seen from him.

“Exclusively,” I concurred.

I had no idea what that meant for us. Yeah, we had already decided we weren’t fucking around with anyone else, but the way Shaw said it—and the moment he decided to say it—almost sounded like something had changed. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, though.

There was a pause in conversation, everyone suddenly quiet, and it felt heavy and uncomfortable.

“Aww, my bestie has an exclusive!” Danny said, breaking the silence, and in his own way, offering me support in front of Shaw. There were no words for how much that meant to me.

Tags: Riley Hart Stumbling into Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024