Close Harmony (Food Of Love 3) - Page 36

By the time Vanessa and Ben had arrived, the reception was in full, noisy swing. They accepted a flute of champagne each, Vanessa surreptitiously pouring hers into a vase.


m not sure that’s good for flowers,” demurred Ben.

“I’m not drinking champagne. I’ve got nothing to celebrate.”

“What about not having to live with Daffy Duck anymore? That’s worth a mouthful of bubbles, I’d have thought.”

Vanessa rewarded him with a reluctant laugh.

“Yeah. God. He’s looking over already.”

“Don’t look at him, Ness. You’ll only encourage him.”

“I’m trying not to,” she said with a sigh. “Shit, he’s coming over. Snog me.”

“Don’t be so childish!”

But Ben’s protests were cut short by Vanessa crooking an arm around his neck and tiptoeing to reach his lips. As his mouth was half-full of champagne, he choked and coughed into her mouth, the effect perhaps not as erotic or as sensual as Vanessa had hoped for.

Matters were only made worse when Dafydd passed by, carrying a silver tray full of drinks, which he slid towards Ben until they emptied all over his trousers.

“Whoops,” said Dafydd as the pair sprang apart, glaring. “Careless of me. Mind you, you did seem to need a dousing with cold water.”

He strode on, as if oblivious to the consternation he had caused.

“Oh bloody hell,” moaned Ben. “I look as if I’ve wet myself.”

“Go down to the Gents’ and use the hand-dryer,” Vanessa advised, snarling after Dafydd’s back. “Actually…”

A thought occurred to her, and the genesis of a slow smile twitched at her lips.

“Go on.” She pushed him towards the door. “Wait for me down there. I’ll be a couple of minutes.”

She watched him hobble, hand on crotch, to the cloakrooms and turned to find Lydia or another supportive colleague to shelter her from any unwanted attentions.

Lydia was with two other violinists, Meredith and Katja, giggling in a corner.

“What’s funny?” asked Vanessa, reaching their huddle.

“My sex life,” said Lydia. “I’ve just been telling them some Milan stories.”

“Wish I had so much to laugh about.”

“We’ve heard about Dafydd,” said Meredith, straight-faced again. “What a dilemma. It must be so difficult for you.”

“But perhaps he wants to mend his ways,” suggested Katja. “It was a long time ago.”

“Oh, not you as well,” said Vanessa ungraciously. “Not judging by the way he spoke to Ben earlier.”

The women leant forward, eager for more gossip.

“He’s looking over,” whispered Lydia. “He can’t take his eyes off you.”

“Really?” Vanessa risked a quick glance over her shoulder.

Dafydd’s hot blue eyes were indeed fixed on her. Now was the time to put her plan into action.

Tags: Justine Elyot Food Of Love Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025