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Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4)

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“We should talk about this morning,” Eve said.

“Right.” Faith had been afraid to bring it up.

“Truthfully, I’ve been so busy today that I haven’t had a chance to think everything through.”

“Maybe it’s better that way,” Faith said. “Not thinking about it. Just doing what you feel.”

“That’s easy for you to say. My situation is complicated.” Eve crossed her legs. “I’ve been separated from Harrison for a few years now, but our divorce was only finalized recently. We weren’t on good terms when we separated, and we both brought lots of assets to the marriage, so it took a long time to untangle everything. We’re still in the middle of this custody battle. I’m on the verge of convincing Harrison to give me primary custody of the twins, but he’s unwilling to compromise on anything else. His lawyers are sharks. They won’t hesitate to use any ammunition they can find to paint me as an unfit mother. And they already have plenty of that.”

Eve, an unfit mother? The idea was crazy. What could Harrison possibly have on Eve to suggest that?

But Eve didn’t elaborate. “So, I need to be on my best behavior. And my lawyers have advised me that it’s in my best interests to avoid dating and relationships until the custody situation is resolved. And under no circumstances am I to bring a lover or partner around the children. I need to be able to show I can provide the twins with a stable home environment, and I need to demonstrate that my children are my priority, not my romantic life. Being involved with someone so soon after the divorce will really hurt my case. Having a relationship with my children’s nanny, a woman who works for me, is not a good look. ”

“Oh.” Faith stifled her disappointment. “I understand. I wouldn’t want to make things any harder for you.”

“On the other hand, I’ve spent most of my adult life being on my best behavior. Being that perfect wife and mother that everyone demanded I be. I’m tired of it.” Something spark

ed behind Eve’s eyes. “And I’m very good at being discreet.”

Faith smiled. “So am I.”

Eve leaned in closer and brought her hand up to Faith’s cheek. Faith thought Eve was going to kiss her. Instead, she asked a simple question.

“What do you want from me, Faith?”

“I… don’t know.” Faith chewed her lip in thought. “When I saw you at Lilith’s Den, it was like something inside me awakened. But I don’t know what that something is.”

“You said the other night that you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about me. The ‘woman in the corset.’”

“Yes.” Now it seemed so silly to think of that side of Eve as a whole other person.

“When you thought about that woman, what did you want from her?” Eve asked. “What appealed to you about her?”

“I think it was about what she represented. An idea.” Faith paused. She didn’t know how to put it into words.

“Surrender?” Eve said.

Was that what it was? Was that what Faith wanted?

“I can show you what that’s like,” Eve said. “That surrender. But you’ll have to show me that you can give me your submission in return.”

Faith nodded. “I can do that.”

A smile crossed Eve’s lips. “We’ll find out if that’s true very soon.”

Chapter Ten

C an you go to the house? Eve’s message read. I need you to do something for me.

Faith pried herself up from her couch and stretched out her arms. Eve and the twins were somewhere in the English countryside, visiting Eve’s parents who had moved there years ago. Faith was taking full advantage of her time off. She’d spent the day at home doing absolutely nothing. But apparently Eve needed her, and she wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.

After replying to Eve’s message, Faith got into her car and drove to the house. It was late evening, and the roads were clear. She arrived in record time.

As soon as she walked through the front door, her phone rang. Eve.

Faith picked it up. “I’m at the house.”

“I know,” Eve said. “The camera in the doorbell.”

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