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Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4)

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And it felt so good.

“You’re close, aren’t you?” Eve asked.

“Yes,” Faith whispered. Could Eve really tell from the other side of the camera?

“Go on. Come for me.”

Eve barely finished her sentence before Faith’s pleasure peaked. She convulsed on the bed, Eve’s name on her lips, her body overcome with an orgasm that stretched on and on until she came apart.

She fell back down to the pillows, breathing hard. Faintly, she could hear Eve’s breaths through the phone.

After a moment, Eve cleared her throat. “Well, that certainly was entertaining. I asked for a show, and you delivered.”

Faith murmured something senseless, her head full of fog.

“Sounds like you need to recover. Take all the time you want. And that lingerie? You can keep it. ”

“Really?” It had to be more expensive than any lingerie Faith owned. Or any other clothing she owned, for that matter.

“Consider it a gift. The matching panties too. They’re in a bag in the closet. But since I didn’t get to see them on you, I expect you to send me a photo of yourself wearing them later.”

Faith grinned. “Okay. Thank you.”

“I should go,” Eve said. “Everyone will be back soon. And after the performance you just put on for me, I’m going to need a few more minutes of alone time.”

Faith flushed all over. The thought of Eve pleasuring herself while thinking of her was almost enough to make Faith start touching herself again.

“I’ll see you next week,” Eve said. “Before you leave, make sure you put everything away and lock up the drawer.”

Faith resisted the urge to roll her eyes in case Eve was still watching. Despite everything that had passed between them, Eve was still her usual bossy self.

Faith hung up the phone and took off the spreader bar, then carefully returned it to its drawer under the bed. Her eyes fell to the collection of whips. Now, they didn’t look so intimidating. A picture of Eve wielding one sprung up in her mind. What would those whips feel like against her skin?

She shut the drawer, locked it up and got dressed. She was starting to see the appeal of giving up control. It was so addictive. Faith wanted more.

And she didn’t know how to feel about that.

Chapter Eleven

L indsey waved her hand in front of Faith’s face. “Earth to Faith.”

“Hm?” Faith shook herself out of her trance. She and Lindsey were sprawled out on the bed in one of the guest suites in Lindsey’s mansion. Eve was still in England, and by coincidence, Lindsey’s girlfriend was also out of town, so she’d invited Faith to stay overnight. Their days of sharing a college dorm were long gone, but every now and then they slept over at each other’s houses like they were roommates again.

“Sorry,” Faith said. “I have a lot on my mind right now.”

Lindsey sat up. “Worried about your sister?”

“Yeah.” That was one of the things that was troubling Faith. “I still haven’t heard anything from her. I just hope nothing bad has happened.”

“I’m sure she’s fine.” Lindsey gave her a sympathetic smile. “Maybe she’s just busy. Or the letter got lost.”

“Maybe.” Her words did little to reassure Faith. Everything with Faith’s family was far too complicated for Lindsey to understand. Although Faith had told her friend all about her past life, anyone who hadn’t lived that life could never fully grasp the situation.

There was one person Faith could talk to who would understand. Her aunt. She was like Faith, having broken off from her family and their religion years before Faith did. When Faith had left home, it was her aunt Hannah who had taken her in. Other than her sister, Hannah was the only real family Faith still had a connection to. She made a mental note to call her later.

Faith’s phone buzzed. It was a message from Eve. She opened it up.

I’m stuck at the world’s dullest dinner party. To pass the time, I’m thinking about how you looked on my bed in that lingerie.

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