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Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4)

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“But they don’t care about me . They’re supposed to, aren’t they? That’s what family does.”

“You’re right. That’s what family is supposed to do. But sometimes family lets you down. Sometimes, you have to find your own family in the people who make you feel like you have a place in the world.” Eve put her hand on Faith’s. “I know this probably doesn’t help right now, but you’re not alone, Faith. You have people who care about you. You have friends. You have your aunt.”

Faith felt a pang of guilt. For all her talk of having no family, she’d forgotten all about Hannah, and Lindsey, and everyone who had acted as her family the past few years .

Eve squeezed Faith’s hand. “And you have me.”

“Thanks,” Faith said. “It really means a lot.”

Eve wrapped her arm around Faith’s shoulders. “I know that no one can replace your family, but I’ll be here for you all the same.”

Faith felt a surge of warmth. Eve was right. Faith wasn’t alone in the world. She had people who loved her.

But life had taught her that love always came with conditions.

Chapter Nineteen

W hen Faith arrived at Eve’s house, the sun was setting. She unlocked the front door and headed inside. The twins were due back from their father’s that evening, and Eve had asked Faith to come by to help prepare them for the week ahead.

Faith walked down the hall, searching for Eve and the twins. The house was far too quiet. “Eve?” she called.

She heard a clatter in the kitchen. A moment later, Eve came out into the hall, drying her hands with a dish towel. She wore an elegant blue dress that made her hazel eyes look greener, especially without her glasses. She was dressed much too nicely for a night in with the twins.

“Eve. Wow.” Faith stared. “Are you going somewhere?”

“Not exactly,” Eve said. “I need a minute. Why don’t you wait for me in the lounge room?”

“Are the twins back? Is there anything you need me to do?”

Eve put her hands on her hips. “What I need is for you to go wait in the lounge room. ”

Faith frowned. “Okay.”

She went into the lounge room and sat down. Eve was behaving strangely. What was going on?

After a few minutes that seemed to stretch out forever, Eve appeared.

“Is everything okay?” Faith asked. “Where are the twins?”

“At their father’s.” Eve sat down next to her. “I asked him to keep them for one more night. I don’t like asking Harrison for favors, but this is important.”

“What’s going on?” Faith was starting to worry.

Eve folded her hands in her lap. “I’ve been thinking about the

other night. About you and me. About us. It made me realize something. You need more from me than what I’ve been giving you. More than to be my possession .”

She held up her hand, cutting off Faith’s protest. “There was truth to what you said. I’ve gotten so carried away with this game we’ve been playing, and it’s made me careless. I need you to know that you’re more to me than a plaything. I want to show you that when I say you’re mine, it goes so much deeper than anything physical. I want you to feel just how much you mean to me. So tonight, I’m going to show that. I can’t take you out on a date, but I’m going to give you the closest thing. We’re going to have dinner together. Just the two of us, here.” Her voice dropped low. “And after dinner, I’m going to show you the height of intimacy that comes with complete surrender.”

“Eve.” Faith’s stomach fluttered. “That sounds perfect.”

Eve clasped her hands together. “Now, I just finished making dinner. Why don’t you have a seat in the dining room and I’ll bring it out?”

Faith practically floated into the dining room, Eve’s words playing in her mind, and sat down at the table. It was already set, not with the dinnerware they used every day, but with fine china, sparkling silver cutlery, and intricately folded white napkins. An arrangement of flowers sat in the center of the table.

Eve entered the room carrying two plates and set them down on the table. “I have a white that will pair well with this. I’ll grab a bottle.”

Faith stood up. “I’ll get the glasses.”

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