Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound 4) - Page 61

“Yeah,” Faith said. “Thanks again. ”

“I have to go. Let me know if Eve has any trouble, okay?”

“I will.”

Vanessa strode off. Faith went to Eve’s office and sat down in front of the desk. Several minutes passed. She got up. She was too nervous to sit still. She paced in front of the window. Eve was taking forever.

Faith hoped for Eve’s sake that this worked. She cared so much for the beautiful family she’d spent so long getting to know. And she cared so much for Eve.

Eve’s words echoed in her mind. What I have with Faith is more real than anything I’ve ever felt.

I love her.


She turned. She hadn’t heard Eve walk in. “How did it go?”

Eve joined her by the window. “Harrison is going to delete the video. And we came to an agreement. He’s giving me primary custody of Leah and Ethan.”

Faith’s heart swelled. “That’s great!”

“We’re still working out the finer details, and none of this is official until we get our lawyers to sign off on everything. But Harrison seems remorseful. He seems to genuinely want to work with me. I considered pushing for sole custody, but whether I like it or not, Harrison is the twins’ father. Despite his many, many flaws, he deserves a hand in raising them. I’ll just have to be extra careful that his family’s values don’t rub off on the twins. I’ll have to set the best example I can and hope that it’s enough.”

“It will be,” Faith said. “You’re an incredible mother. Leah and Ethan are going to grow up just fine. I’m so happy for you all. I’m so glad you fought this. ”

“You were right all along. I should have listened to you. I was just scared.”

“With so much at stake, you had a good reason to be scared. And once again, sorry for my part in this.”

Eve gave her a hard look. “Faith, if you apologize one more time…”

“Sorry! I’ll stop. I’m just glad everything is sorted out now.”

“No. Everything isn’t sorted out.” Eve’s eyes locked onto Faith’s. “There’s still the matter of us.”

The air in the room grew still.

“There’s nothing standing in our way anymore,” Eve said. “Nothing stopping us from being together.”

It was true. There were no more obstacles in their way. No reason for them to hide. Nothing stopping them from embracing what they felt.

Nothing stopping Faith from surrendering to what she truly felt for Eve.

Faith took a step toward Eve, and another, until they were barely a foot apart. “You said something in there. You said that you love me.”

“Did I?” A slight smile crossed Eve’s lips. “It must have slipped out. But it’s the truth.”

Eve took Faith’s hand, closing the distance between them.

“I love you, Faith.”

With those four words, all Faith’s doubts melted away. “I love you too


Eve swept Faith into her arms for a heady kiss that almost knocked Faith off her feet.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024