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Charming Asshole (Killer of Kings 3)

Page 36

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“Yeah, it matters. You killed this little prick’s dad ten years ago, and now he magically asks for your help? He knows you’re a killer, and you’re going to go wandering into the lion’s den, and be shocked that you got fucking bit. You don’t go in all guns a blazing. You don’t get shit done like that.”

“Worked just fine, I think,” Killian said.

“Why?” Shadow asked, pointing a gun at Manic’s forehead. “I have no problem killing you. In fact, it would give me a great deal of pleasure because I’m bored. When I’m bored, I like to kill people and make beautiful art with their blood.”

Killian had to give it to Manic, the guy didn’t bat an eye.

“You want the truth? There are a group of us that want the MC on the straight and narrow. We’re all about the bikes, the life, the cause. I want to make a fucking difference. I don’t want kids to be afraid. How can I make a difference when three weeks ago, my father’s buddies took two teenage girls, chained them to a table, and did a train on them?”

“A train?” Killian asked. He wasn’t exactly well-versed in lingo.

“Each member took a turn,” Shadow said. “One after the other. Was it consensual?”

Manic shook his head. “No. What I found out was that they wanted to amuse themselves and put the town in place, they took two random girls. They weren’t even fucking eighteen years old. They didn’t want it. What I walked into, that shit is fucked up. I took them to the hospital, and I got word that both girls killed themselves. My club was responsible for that shit. There’s a cancer within us, and I need to get rid of it. I have to stop it one way or the other. You’re my only hope. You think I’m a pussy for caring, I don’t give a fuck. Ten years ago I watched you, I saw how you killed my father. You didn’t even fucking blink, and then you walked away. That’s what I need, and I will pay whatever fucking price you need, but I have to take them out.”

“Will you be joining in the fun?” Killian asked.

“Yes. I’m club prez, and I’ve made sure that my men are ready for this. We all want them fuckers to pay for what they did, and what they’ve done.” Manic ran a hand down his face. “One of the girls was a brother’s sister’s friend. She wasn’t family but close. While I was taking her to the hospital, she asked him why he didn’t save her. That shit, it’s got to stop. I know how to stop it.”

Killian held his hand up. He didn’t need to hear anymore, and was done listening to this shit. “I need to know who put the hit on my woman and my kid. He’s ten years old, and I’ve got them safe for now. I want answers.”

“I didn’t put any fucking hit on any kid or woman. I’ve got standards, man. I don’t do that kind of shit.”

“Someone did. Someone close to you.”

“I can find out. It could be one of the guys checking in on my old man’s killer.”

“Then you find out, and you call us. Until then, I’m not helping you with shit.”

Killian didn’t wait around. He left with Shadow close at his back.

“I’ve got something to take care of.”

“Why do I feel you’re about to do something really stupid?” Shadow asked.

“Because I am.” He stopped as Shadow grabbed his arm.

“You’ve got to rethink everything you’re about to do.”

“What I’m about to do is deal with the bastard who thinks he can harm what’s mine. No one, and I mean no one, uses my woman as bait.”

“You’re going after Boss?”

Killian didn’t say anything. He was so fucking pissed. He wanted to hurt everyone and everything. After ten years of being a loyal fucking dog to that bastard, and the first time his back was turned, he went to the only woman he had ever loved, and intended to use her as fucking bait. That shit didn’t sit well with him.

There was a pit of rage that needed to get out, and the only person who was going to satisfy him right now was Boss. From the moment he began working for Boss all those years ago, he’d known deep down in his heart that the fucker was a cruel man. He’d even been convinced that the bastard didn’t have a heart, and he was right. There was nothing in Boss. All that man cared about was his bottom fucking line.

“Look, I get that you’re pissed right now, and I do understand, but there are bigger fish right now.”

“I know Manic needs our help, but until he tells me exactly who’s responsible for sending hitmen after my woman and kid, then I’m not playing.”

“Those old club members are bad news for a lot of people.”

“I know. And I don’t give a shit. Now, unless you want to end up on the dead pile, you’ll get out of my fucking way. I want blood, and I want it now, and you’re the only person standing in my way.”

There was no fear in Shadow’s eyes, but Killian didn’t expect it. Every single man and woman that was associated with Killer of Kings, had lost that part of themselves years ago. None of them had feeling, or remorse, or even love. The only time he’d seen it in Viper or Bain recently was when they were with their women.

“You’re making a mistake.”

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