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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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Lori looked around the basement. It was nicer than her apartment, that’s for sure, professionally finished with only the best craftsmanship. She only had one leg shackle on now, and it was long enough for her to get around easily. There was everything she could want, and he never denied her a thing—except her freedom.

The first few days had been her honeymoon phase, all excitement and disbelief. It had been fun—takeout, long conversations, playful banter. Too good to be true. When she realized Chains had no plans on letting her leave, she began to panic. Who would help take care of her siblings? Yes, they were getting older, and they weren’t her responsibility, but she cared too much. Now that she’d been returned to the basement, with too much time to think and process her life, she wasn’t so sure what she wanted. Freedom would mean finding a new job, living on the streets since her rent wasn’t paid last week, and dealing with the usual deep-seated loneliness that paralyzed her in depression many nights.

Chains. She knew nothing about him. Well, not enough. And besides his obsession with keeping her trapped in his house, she didn’t know his intentions. He hadn’t made a move on her and hadn’t asked for anything. The strangest part—the man seemed genuinely attracted to her. Made her feel beautiful and special. She’d been fed so much bullshit since childhood about never finding a husband because she was too fat and awkward. Those toxic words had settled in deep, creating roots in her self-esteem. It felt indescribable to be wanted, cherished, and spoiled by this stranger. The longer she stayed, the more the real world became a distant blur. She felt so lonely, so forgotten. There was no one in the world who’d give a shit she’d disappeared from the world. Maybe she shouldn’t be so eager to escape. There was nothing waiting for her beyond these walls.

She’d fallen asleep, and only woke to the sound of someone walking upstairs, and then a strip of light from under the door sent a soft glow of light down the stairs. Lori shifted amongst her blankets and hugged her pillow.

When she heard the locks on the door, she closed her eyes. He checked on her every night without fail, like a loving parent. Nobody had ever checked on her before. He’d just stand or sit near her for a while, then return to the main floor.

She pretended to sleep.

Tonight was no different, except he’d been gone for hours before she finally fell asleep. The complete silence had been unnerving.

His footsteps came closer, and her heartrate picked up, a mix of nerves, excitement, and a nagging desire. She heard the sound of the chair legs scraping the floor, then only his breathing. She’d almost think he’d left if not for the delicious scent of his musky cologne. She associated that smell with him alone, and it instantly brought down her anxiety.

He made a little sound, similar to a chuckle.

“I know you’re awake,” he finally said. His voice was deep and smooth. Not once had he lost his temper or made her feel scared by his words. It was her imagination driving her crazy.

Should she keep faking?

Chains sighed, picking up her leg chain that pooled on the floor by her bed. “When I was young, they used to chain me up and beat me shitless. I was weak back then, so I had no choice but to take it.” More silence. “I keep telling myself this is different because your chains are to keep you safe.” He dropped the metal to the floor.

Lori kept her eyes shut tight.

“I remember once when I was twelve, they broke at least four of my ribs. When the

y were done with me, I was on my own. No parents, no doctor, nobody but myself.” He shifted in his seat. “There were others, of course. They beat this one girl right in front of me. I thought she was dead when they left. She made it through, but I still remember the black eye on her pretty face. I was too fucking scared to help her.”

She may be a fool, but she pushed herself up into a sitting position. “You helped me,” she said.

Lori wasn’t sure why, but there was a connection between them. A weird, twisted connection that she couldn’t understand. She was inexplicably drawn to him. Even though Chains was surrounded by darkness, there was a reason for it, triggers from deep in his past.

“When I saw you in the diner, your beautiful face beaten, your eyes sad—I had to do something. Had to fix it. I’ve changed a lot in the past twenty years. I’ll never be a victim, never stand on the sidelines, either.”

She wanted to ask why he’d kidnapped her. He could have dealt with Carlton and not taken her home, chaining her in his basement. It didn’t make sense. “Then why are you punishing me?”

He narrowed his eyes in confusion. “Punishing you? I’m trying my best to make you happy.”

“You could have helped me without trapping me here.”

His shoulders were back, his chin slightly jutted up. The man had a strong jaw and full lips. “I’ve done a lot of bad shit in my life, but I’ve been through a hell of a lot worse. I like to think of you as a bit of mercy thrown my way, and trust me there’s never been much.”

To hear that she was somehow a blessing to Chains was indescribable. From nothing to someone’s everything? As much as she wanted this fantasy to be real, she had to think logically.

“What about me? My freedom?”

He licked his lips. “I’m not sure what the fuck I’m doing.” Chains sat only a foot away. He leaned over and ran the backs of his fingers along her cheek. “Stay with me.”

There was such vulnerability in his tone. Her own emotional response surprised her. Why did she care? Lori closed her eyes and savored his touch. In that moment, she realized how starved she was for affection. At twenty-five, she was a working machine, an empty, sad working machine. It was no way to live.

“Forever?” Part of her wanted him to say yes, but the other part was terrified he’d say no.

“Is that so bad?”

“You terrify me,” she said.

“You don’t look terrified.”

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