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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

Page 23

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ting me. You’re playing a dangerous game, sweetheart.” He cupped her face with both hands, then kissed her forehead with a chaste kiss. “I’ll check on you when I get back. Don’t wait up.”

Then he was gone, heading up the stairs before locking the basement door. What the hell had just happened? At least she couldn’t accuse the man of using her for sex. She couldn’t get the man in her bed if she tried.

She looked down at herself, remembering the path his hands had taken. Lori closed her eyes and savored the memory. Her pussy throbbed, her heart still racing.

Lori walked over to her bed and flopped down on her back, staring blankly at the ceiling. Her imagination was on overdrive, and she yearned for that day, the day he’d strip her of her virginity. She’d gladly hand it over to Chains.

The hours passed, and he still hadn’t returned. She’d read a few chapters in one of her books, but couldn’t get into the novel, not with her mind elsewhere. When she heard footsteps upstairs, her heart jumped. Lori sat up on the bed and rushed to the mirror to check her hair. She wanted to look good for Chains, to be the only woman he ever wanted.

It was a relief knowing he was home. Every time he left could be the last. He killed people, which meant he could be on the receiving end one day. The thought of losing him filled her with dread.

Why wasn’t he coming downstairs?

Lori waited, pacing the basement. She heard him going up and down the stairs to the second level, and doors and cupboards were opening and closing. Something had to be wrong.

When he began to rattle the doorknob to the basement, she began to worry. Chains had the keys, so why was he trying to break in? When he began to kick in the basement door, over and over until the hinges splintered off, she rushed to the far end of the basement and crouched down low.

The footsteps coming down the steps were ominous, slow, and measured.

She peeked from her hiding spot. It wasn’t Chains. The realization sent adrenaline racing through her veins. This guy had black, shoulder-length hair. He ran a hand through it as he assessed the space. A tattoo creeped up his neck. This was probably some murderer looking for Chains. And she was going to be collateral damage.

Her life flashed before her eyes. What a pathetic existence she’d had. Struggling, suffering, going without. Never loved. As all her trials filled her mind, she still didn’t want to die. Chains had opened her eyes to something new and wonderful.

The stranger rooted around her stuff, tossing her clothes from the drawers. Then he spotted her. He whipped his head around and pulled out a handgun, aiming it at her.

She froze, unable to move or breathe.

“Who are you?” he asked, stalking forward.

“Lori,” she whispered.

“Are you Chains’s woman? Tell me the fucking truth or I’ll kill you.”

She’d never been so scared. Lori shook her head. “I’m his prisoner.”

The harsh lines on the man’s face vanished, and a smirk appeared on his face. “I knew he was a sick fuck, but come on!” He laughed and put his gun back in the holster.

He came closer and squatted down in front of her. His eyes were dark, and he had several scars on his cheek.

“Please don’t hurt me.”

“You’re worried about me? You should be happy I showed up when I did. Keeping a woman prisoner in his basement? I thought I was twisted, but Chains just took the prize.” He stood up and held out his hand. “Today’s your lucky day.”

She did as told, terrified of what he was capable of. He hoisted her to her feet and pointed to the stairs. She kept looking back at him as she walked up to the main level, worried he’d shoot her in the back.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Sorry, but I don’t run a taxi service. I’ll set you free, but then you’re on your own.” Before they went through the busted doorway, he pulled out his gun again, looking in every direction as they walked through the hallway. “Keep moving,” he said. “This fucker’s been playing with me, and I want to know why.”

He kept talking out loud. His rambling made her feel better because silence would be worse. When they reached the front door, he grabbed the back of her shirt, directing her forward like a shield. He directed her to keep walking up the road until they reached a dark alleyway.

Where was Chains?

She was glad he wasn’t home because he could have been killed.

The jangle of keys was followed by a car in the alley turning on, the headlights illuminating the area. He made his way to the driver’s side door, leaving her at the edge of the alley.

“Now what?” she asked.

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