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Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound 3)

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“Is something the matter?” Camilla asked.

“It’s just that…” Lindsey hesitated. “Like I said, I’ve never actually been with a woman before.” She felt a twinge of guilt. She was avoiding the whole truth.

“I said from the start that I’m not after sex. Quite frankly, I can take it or leave it. And I would never pressure you in any way. I take consent and boundaries very seriously.” Camilla fixed her eyes on Lindsey’s. “What I want is something much more intimate than sex, and far more satisfying. A submissive who will be mine 24/7. Who will obey me, and defer to me, and serve me. Who will do as I say without question and thank me for it every single day.”

Lindsey’s skin flushed. On the surface, Camilla always appeared laid back, if not a bit stuck up. But it was becoming clear that behind her cool demeanor was someone who needed to maintain an iron grip on control.

And the thought excited Lindsey.

“Whatever you decide, this won’t be a one-way agreement,” Camilla said. “I have certain conditions, but we can negotiate something we’re both comfortable with.”

“Wow,” Lindsey said. “This is just…”

“Crazy? I realize that. I’m not in the habit of asking sugar babies to move into my manor. I’ve never even had a sugar baby before. But when you mentioned your housing problems, the idea came to me. I think this arrangement could be beneficial to both of us.”

This arrangement. Because that was all it was, in the end. Camilla knew that it was all pretend. And this offer was too good to pass up.

“If you’re not interested, I won’t be offended,” Camilla said. “I’m open to a more conventional sugar baby arrangement.”

“No,” Lindsey said. “I’m interested. It’s just, it’s a lot. Can I think about it?”

“Of course. Take all the time you need.”

Lindsey didn’t want to take time. She wanted to say yes right now. But leaping into something like this was irresponsible.

A waiter approached their table. “Will you be having dessert?” he asked.

“Yes,” Camilla said. “Let’s see. The crème brûlée, or the tiramisu? I simply can’t decide.” She thought for a moment, then smiled.

“We’ll have both. Life is too short. Why not live a little?”

By the time Lindsey returned to Faith’s apartment, it was late, and Faith was already asleep. Lindsey wished her friend was awake. She wanted someone to talk to about Camilla’s proposal.

She sat down at the kitchen table and placed her phone in front of her. She was still reeling from the kiss Camilla had given her when they parted. Lindsey liked kissing Camilla. She liked just being around Camilla. She wanted nothing more than to say yes to her.

But Camilla was practically a stranger. Although, after two dates, Lindsey was beginning to get a sense of what the woman was like. She could be warm and outgoing at times, sharp and cynical at others. And Camilla seemed very conscious of the fact that their arrangement was nothing more than just that.

So why not take Camilla up on her offer? Lindsey could just treat these three months like a job. She was selling her soul at the call center every day, so this would be an improvement. Not to mention that it would be a step up from her current life. Three months of luxury and romance, with a magnetic woman who wanted to spoil Lindsey in exchange for her submission.

It was strange. This past year, Lindsey had been a constant mess of anxiety and indecision, lost and directionless, but too afraid to take the slightest risk.

Right now? She had no doubts about what she wanted to do.

Lindsey picked up her phone and dialed Camilla’s number.

Camilla answered after a few rings. “Hello, Lindsey. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon.”

“Camilla,” Lindsey said. “I was thinking. About your proposal.”


“And my answer is yes.”

The other end of the line was silent.

“Which parts of my proposal are you referring to?” Camilla asked.

“All of it,” Lindsey said. “Yes, I’ll come live with you. Yes, I’ll be your companion. Yes, I’ll be your submissive. Yes to everything.”

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