Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound 3) - Page 16

“I’m glad you decided to accept my offer. We can discuss the details over the next few days. Once we’ve come to an agreement, you can move in whenever you like.”

“Okay,” Lindsey said.

“And Lindsey?” Camilla asked.


“From now on, you’ll call me Mistress.”

Chapter Six

“This is crazy,” Faith said from the kitchen. “You know that, right?”

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“I know.” Lindsey tossed a pair of jeans into her suitcase. “But I’m doing it anyway.”

It was 8:30 a.m. Lindsey had a couple of hours before the car Camilla sent was due to pick her up. Fortunately, she’d been living out of a suitcase for the past few weeks, so she didn’t have much to pack.

Faith sat down on the couch with a bowl of cereal. “How well do you even know Camilla? What kind of woman invites a stranger to come live with her? She could be a serial killer!”

“Camilla is not a serial killer,” Lindsey said. “I trust her. And I feel like we have a connection. I wouldn’t be doing this otherwise, no matter how much money was involved.”

“Okay,” Faith said. “But what I don’t get is that a minute ago you were on the fence about even meeting her because she was a woman. And now you’re going to be her live-in lover?”

“I’m not going to be her lover.” Lindsey pulled her phone charger out of the wall and tossed it into her suitcase. “I’m going to be her submissive.”

“Isn’t that the same thing? Isn’t the whole point of all that kinky stuff to get off?”

“Not really,” Lindsey said. “There doesn’t have to be sex involved. There doesn’t even have to be anything physical involved. Fundamentally, it’s about power. Giving it up. Taking it away. The way that makes you feel.”

“So, you’re going to be her slave?” Faith asked.

“That’s not Camilla’s style. All she wants is someone who will say ‘yes, Mistress,’ and will happily do whatever she asks of them.”

Over the course of the past week, Lindsey and Camilla had discussed their expectations. Lindsey had quickly learned that Camilla wasn’t the type of dominant who used force of any kind to keep her submissive in line. She simply expected her submissive to yield to her control without question.

Lindsey was more than happy to do so. It was what she loved the most about submission. It made everything simple. It freed her from all her worries and problems. And right now, she had a long list of problems. She wanted this more than anything. She needed it.

“I still don’t get it,” Faith said. “Why would you let someone control you?”

“I’m not letting her control me,” Lindsey replied. “I’m choosing to give her control. There’s a difference. And I’m only giving her control of some things.”

Camilla had sent Lindsey a long, detailed questionnaire about all things BDSM to fill out. There were questions about her likes, her dislikes, her limits. And they were comprehensive, covering the obvious activities like bondage, as well as things that were more mundane. How would Lindsey feel about being called a pet name, or wearing her Mistresses collar 24/7? Would she like it if her Mistress chose what she wore every day? What she ate? There were plenty of things that Lindsey had vetoed. But there were even more that she enthusiastically agreed to.

“I’m not going to do anything with her that I’m not comfortable with. And she’s made it clear that she’s going to respect my boundaries.” Lindsey zipped up her suitcase and sat down next to Faith. “Plus, I’ve been thinking about the sex side of things. It isn’t completely off the table. I’m not opposed to sleeping with a woman.”

Faith cocked her head to the side. “Could it be that Camilla has turned you to the queer side?”

“I’m just a little curious, that’s all.” And who better to explore with than Camilla? A thought occurred to Lindsey. “God, I don’t know anything about sex with women. How would I even know what to do? What if I’m terrible at it?”

“It’s all about communication,” Faith said. “Just tell Camilla you’ve never had sex with a woman before.”

“I already told her. I didn’t mean to, but it was this whole awkward mess and now she thinks I’m bisexual but inexperienced with women.”

“Did you tell her you were bi?”

“No, she kind of came to that conclusion herself. And I didn’t correct her.” Lindsey pushed her guilt aside. “It doesn’t matter. Camilla herself said that this was all a big charade. I just have to keep it up for three months.”

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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