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Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound 3)

Page 17

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“Uh huh,” Faith said.

“Don’t get all judgmental on me now.”

Faith held up her hands. “No judgment here. But I should get to work.” She pulled Lindsey in for a hug. “I expect updates from the minute you arrive.”

“Sure,” Lindsey said.

“And be safe. Call me the moment Camilla shows any sign of wanting to tie you up and lock you in her dungeon.” Faith grinned. “Although, by the sound of things, both of you would probably like that.”

The drive to Robinson Estate was a long one. At least, it felt long to Lindsey. Ever since her car accident, lengthy drives made her nervous. But it was nothing she couldn’t handle.

The car stopped in front of a large set of double gates, which opened slowly before them like magic. They had reached Camilla’s estate. Lindsey rolled down the window and stuck her head out, staring at the sprawling grounds. She could only just see the manor itself in the distance, a large white building at the end of a long, winding driveway.

Finally, the car pulled up in front of the manor. The mansion looked even more impressive close-up. Lindsey got out of the car and stood staring at the house as the driver took her bags out of the trunk.

She scratched the back of her head. What was she supposed to do now? Knock on the door?

Moments later, the front door opened, and a short blonde woman came hurrying out. Her hair was pulled back in a bun, and her face wore a neutral expression. She was dressed in a navy-blue maid uniform, complete with a frilly white apron. She looked around Camilla’s age or older.

“You must be Lindsey,” the woman said.

“Yep, that’s me,” Lindsey replied. “Hi.”

“My name is June. I’m the head housekeeper. Come with me.”

Lindsey turned to grab her bags.

“Leave those. They’ll be taken to your room.”

Lindsey followed June into the manor. It was just as grand on the inside as it was outside. The entrance hall was vast and tall, with a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling two stories up. Before them was a wide staircase that split into two at the top, branching off into each of the wings of the house.

“Let me take you to one of the guest suites,” June said. “Camilla is still preparing your permanent rooms.”

Rooms? As in, more than one? Lindsey followed June up the stairs and to the right, gaping at every room and hall they passed through. Everything was modern and new, but it had the elegance and sophistication of an old house. There were fireplaces and chandeliers everywhere. And Lindsey had thought Camilla was exaggerating when she said the house had over a hundred rooms, but it seemed like she was telling the truth.

June stopped in front of a door and opened it wide. “This is where you’ll be staying for now.”

Lindsey walked inside. It was like a five-star hotel room, complete with a massive bed and a spacious adjoining bathroom. And her suitcase and carry bag were right there in the room. How had they gotten there before her?

“If you ever need anything during your stay here, call me. There’s an intercom next to every door.” June pointed to an intercom, which camouflaged surprisingly well with the house’s decor. “I’ll do my best to fulfill any requests personally. There are other staff who work here, but I’m the only one who is here 24/7, so you can seek me out at any time.”

“Okay,” Lindsey said.

“Now, would you like to relax and settle in? I can bring you refreshments? Or, I can give you a tour of the house.”

Lindsey glanced at the plush bed. She was just dying to throw herself onto it. But she’d have time for that later. “A tour would be great.”

June nodded. “Come with me.”

Lindsey followed her out the door. June kept a brisk pace.

“Now, Camilla has said you’re to have free run of the house while living here,” June said. “That is, except for Camilla’s rooms. I’ll show you where they a

re when we get there.”

They went back the direction they came. When they reached the entrance, June took Lindsey left and gestured down a hall.

“The east wing is that way,” she said. “It’s not in use anymore, and it hasn’t been renovated like the rest of the house. All you’ll find down there are empty rooms and peeling wallpaper.”

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