Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound 3) - Page 20

Lindsey nodded. “I will.”

“Otherwise, if you break any of my rules or the rules of this house, a punishment will be in order.”

Punishments were one of Camilla’s non-negotiable requirements, but she promised she’d never use them without a good reason. Lindsey didn’t mind. And mercifully, Camilla had allowed Lindsey to choose her own from a very long list. Lindsey had picked the punishments which seemed the least severe. Cleaning, writing lines, time-outs. But she didn’t expect that Camilla would go easy on her. It was clear that Camilla was a harsh Mistress. Yes, Camilla was going to spoil her. But she demanded a lot in return.

“I have this schedule and these rules for a reason. I don’t like disruptions to my routine. And I don’t like surprises.”

Lindsey nodded.

“Do you have any objections?” Camilla asked. “Or, is there anything you’d like to negotiate?”

Lindsey shook her head, then remembered herself. “No, Mistress.”

A hint of a smile crossed Camilla’s lips. “Good. I’d love to stay and chat, but unfortunately, I have work to do. However, I want to make it up to you for being absent this past day or two. How would you like to have dinner in the courtyard garden tonight? I have a chef on call who makes the most delectable French cuisine.”

“I would like that, Mistress.”

“Good. Wear something nice. The emerald halter-neck dress is perfect for the occasion.”

“What dress?” Lindsey asked.

“I bought you a few things. Have a look inside the closet in your bedroom once I’m gone.” Camilla stood up. “I’ll see you tonight.”

As soon as Camilla left the room, Lindsey got up and located her bedroom. It was just like the guest room she’d been staying in, only larger, and it had its own balcony with a view of the grounds. After admiring the room, Lindsey walked over to the closet and opened the doors.


Inside was what had to be a whole new wardrobe. Formal dresses, casual wear, and everything in between. She even had workout clothes and swimwear, as well as shoes and all sorts of accessories.

This was more than ‘a few things.’ It was everything she could possibly need.

Lindsey grinned. She was going to like it here.

Later that evening, Lindsey went out into the courtyard garden to join Camilla for dinner. As instructed, she wore the emerald dress she’d found in her closet. She’d paired it with some silver earrings and a necklace she’d found in a jewelry box on her dressing table.

Camilla was already seated on an outdoor lounge nearby, a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table next to her. Like Lindsey, she was dressed in a cocktail dress, but hers was a vibrant blue. She spotted Lindsey and smiled. “That dress looks just as lovely on you as I imagined. It brings out that striking red hair of yours.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” Lindsey replied.

Camilla gestured to the seat next to her. “Sit.”

Lindsey sat down and looked around. She’d spent some time in this garden yesterday during the daytime. It looked lovelier at night. At the other end of the courtyard, June was setting a table for the two of them.

Camilla picked up the bottle from the table beside her and held it up. “Wine?”

“Yes, please,” Lindsey said.

Camilla poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Lindsey. “So, how are you finding the house so far?”

“I love it. It’s so beautiful.”

“It’s been in my family for generations. I inherited it after my parents passed.” Camilla turned her gaze toward the manor. “You should have seen it 25 years ago. It was so much livelier. We had horses in the stables, and the orchard was carefully tended. And my parents were always throwing parties. Of course, back then the house had a full-time staff. I downsized when I took over. That’s why the east wing is closed. Keeping the entire house running is almost impossible.”

“I can imagine,” Lindsey said. “This place is so big. I’ve already gotten lost a few times.”

“It can take some getting used to,” Camilla said. “Let me know if there’s anything you need. This is going to be your home for the next three months after all.”

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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