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Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound 3)

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Denise stared at her, her eyes boring into Lindsey’s. She shifted uncomfortably on the bed but didn’t look away.

“Christ,” Denise said. “You really believe that, don’t you?”

“I do,” Lindsey replied.

Denise shook her head. “Here I thought you were a gold-digger. But you’re just naive. It’s no wonder. You’re barely more than a child.”

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I am naive. Maybe I’ll wake up one day and realize that I don’t want this life with Camilla anymore.” Lindsey clenched her fists in her lap. “I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. But I know what I feel right now. And I care about Camilla more than I even know how to express. I’m not going to leave her. There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than by her side.”

“You’re making a mistake,” Denise said.

“Why are you trying so hard to turn me against Camilla?”

“I’m just trying to protect her.”

“She doesn’t need your protection,” Lindsey said. “What she needs is your love and support, yet here you are, tearing her down behind her back. Some sister you are.”

“You know nothing about this family. Don’t talk about us like you do.”

“I know enough. And you’ve shown me exactly who you are just now.” Lindsey tried as hard as she could to channel Camilla’s commanding manner. “Get out of my room.”

To Lindsey’s surprise, Denise turned her nose up and walked to the door.

Before Denise left the room, she addressed Lindsey. “Whatever happens, don’t you dare hurt my sister.” She slammed the door shut behind her.

Lindsey blew out a breath and collapsed onto the bed. As she lay there with her eyes closed, she recalled something Denise had said earlier.

It’s clear that she’s fallen hard for you.

Camilla? Falling for me? Lindsey doubted that. It was all just part of the lie.

But as Lindsey lay there, she realized something. Everything she’d said to Denise about her feelings for Camilla?

Not a single word of it had been a lie.

Chapter Seventeen

For the days that followed, Lindsey avoided Denise. She couldn’t be in the woman’s presence without feeling enraged. Denise probably didn’t even notice that Lindsey was avoiding her. On the rare occasion that they crossed paths, Denise appeared determined to ignore Lindsey’s existence completely, which Lindsey didn’t mind one bit.

She hadn’t told Camilla about Denise’s visit to her room. Between work and her sister’s visit, Camilla was stressed out enough. Nevertheless, she insisted that they all have meals together. These were always awkward affairs.

Breakfast that morning was no exception.

“Denise,” Camilla began. “The disaster relief foundation the company supports is holding a charity auction. How about we go through some of mother’s jewelry and select a few pieces to donate?”

“Just do it without me,” Denise said. “I have too much to do.”

“Let me guess. Work?”

That was something Camilla and Denise had in common. Lindsey didn’t know why Denise even came to visit considering how much time she spent locked in her room working.

“Well, not all of us can just lie around all day.” Denise looked pointedly at Lindsey. “Some of us have jobs.”

Lindsey returned Denise’s glare.

Camilla put down her knife and fork carefully. “Denise, didn’t I tell you to stop being rude to Lindsey?”

“Oh, stop acting like she’s some innocent little girl,” Denise said. “Lindsey here can dish it out just as well as she can take it.”

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