Being Hers (Irresistibly Bound 1) - Page 16

Mel twitched on the bed as Vanessa devoured her. Every sweep of Vanessa’s tongue, every brush of her lips sent a tremor through Mel’s body and murmurs spilling from her mouth. Vanessa had complete control over Mel’s pleasure, and she was determined to show it. Vanessa teased and toyed with Mel until she was close to peaking, then she held Mel there, at the precipice, never quite letting her tip over the edge.

Mel twisted and tugged, fighting her restraints. She wanted to scream. She wanted to plead with Vanessa for release. But she understood the rules of this game. She had to take whatever Vanessa gave her with nothing less than gratitude. And eventually, her submission would be rewarded.

Once again, Vanessa brought Mel to the edge. But this time, she kept going. Mel let out a cry, bucking and thrashing as her orgasm rolled through her. Vanessa’s mouth was unrelenting, licking and sucking away until Mel fell back down to the bed and her body calmed.

Vanessa kissed Mel, stealing the last of her breath. She could taste herself on the other woman’s lips. Vanessa pulled the blindfold from Mel’s eyes and untied her wrists and ankles. Mel blinked rapidly, her eyes readjusting to the light.

Vanessa lay down on her side next to Mel. As Mel recovered, she ran her eyes up Vanessa’s body, drinking her in. This was the first time she had seen Vanessa naked. Her curves seemed more pronounced, and her dark hair, both on her head and the small patch between her legs, stood out against her milky skin. Her areolas were a rosy pink on her pale breasts.

Vanessa watched Mel watch her. For whatever reason, it made Mel blush. Vanessa smiled and pulled Mel into an embrace. After being restrained, her senses muffled, having Vanessa’s arms around her felt heavenly.

“Did you mean what you said earlier? About belonging to me?” Vanessa asked.

“Yes, Vanessa.”

“Then we’ll have to talk about exactly what that means. But it can wait.”

They lay in silence. As Mel came down from her post-orgasm daze, familiar doubts crept into her thoughts.

“What’s the matter?” Vanessa asked.

“It’s nothing,” Mel mumbled.

“Tell me.” Vanessa’s usually inscrutable face wore a look of concern.

Mel’s resolve wavered, and she finally gave voice to the thing that had been bothering her since the first time she walked into Vanessa’s room. “It’s just that, I want this. I want to explore this side of me so much that it makes me ache. But I’m not a submissive person. I’m not passive, or helpless. But I can’t help but wonder. Does this mean I’m weak? For wanting to be submissive? For wanting an escape?”

“No, Melanie. You’re not weak at all.”

“Then why do I want this? Why do I crave this?”

“Being submissive in bed has nothing to do with who you are out in the world. And submission does not equal weakness. In fact, it takes a great deal of strength to do this.”

“It doesn’t feel like it takes strength. It’s easy for me. Effortless.”

“I’m sure it is. But it takes strength to embrace that side of you. And to act on it. I’ve tried it myself, you know. Only a few times. I wanted to get a better understanding of what it feels like to be on the other side. It was terrifying. I could never do it again.”

Mel was surprised. She couldn’t imagine Vanessa being subservient or vulnerable. She always seemed so fearless. Who was Vanessa behind her impenetrably cool façade?

“It does take strength to do this, Melanie. Putting yourself in someone else’s hands. Making yourself vulnerable to them. Trusting them with your everything. You are anything but weak.” Vanessa kissed Mel gently on the lips. “And you should never, ever be ashamed of your desires.”

“Yes, Vanessa.” Mel snuggled in closer to her.

“Now, about these desires of yours.” Vanessa reached out and ran her hands along Mel’s side, following the contours of her body. “I want to know more. All your secret fantasies? I want to hear about them. Tell me everything.”

Chapter Eight

Mel sat in class, eyelids drooping at her professor’s low monotone. She looked over at Jess. Her friend was having a hard time paying attention too. She was doodling in the margin of her notebook, a vacant look in her eyes.

Mel’s bag vibrated on the floor beneath her. Trying to be discreet, she pulled her phone out and peeked at the screen. She grinned.

“A message from your lover?” Jess asked.

A student sitting in front of them turned to glare at them. Mel shushed Jess.

“Is that a yes?” Jess asked, quieter this time.

“Maybe.” Mel unlocked her phone and read the message.

Tags: Anna Stone Irresistibly Bound Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024