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Being Hers (Irresistibly Bound 1)

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“All these things I do, all the lengths I go to. It’s all to please you.” She pushed Mel’s hair behind her ear. Her hand lingered on Mel’s cheek. “You have far more power over me than you know. I’m yours as much as you are mine.”

Mel’s breath caught in her chest. Vanessa looked like she wanted to say more.

But the moment passed in silence.

“I’m going to take a bath.” Vanessa climbed out from underneath the covers. “Join me?”

“In a minute. I need a glass of water.”

“Okay. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen.” Vanessa hopped out of the bed and walked off to the bathroom.

Mel lay there for a moment, face down on the bed. Unlike Vanessa’s bed above The Lounge, this one was soft and inviting. And the sheets, and the pillows—they all smelled like her. Mel pulled the covers in closer to her. It was just like being in Vanessa’s arms.

Mel sighed. Vanessa was waiting for her. She got up out of bed and walked out into the open living area.

Once again, Mel was in awe. It had been dark when she’d arrived last night, and she had been preoccupied. Now, she saw that the enormous apartment was even more impressive in the daylight. It was decorated similarly to Vanessa’s room above The Lounge. Here, however, there were touches of warmth. The floorboards were covered in soft rugs. A recliner sat in the corner, a blanket thrown over one of its arms. A well-read paperback sat on the table next to it.

Mel headed to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. She decided to take a look around as she drank. She couldn’t help herself. This was Vanessa’s sanctuary. Mel wanted to find out what it revealed about the woman who for so long had been a mystery to her.

Mel wandered through the apartment, peeking through doorways and marveling at the rooms. An office with floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with books. Another bathroom that was even bigger than the master bath. Several more bedrooms. Most of the doors were thrown open, inviting Mel in to discover their secrets. Mel learned that Vanessa enjoyed classic literature and that she had a large collection of abstract art.

Finally, Mel came to one last door. Unlike the others, it was closed. It had a heavy deadbolt above the door handle. Mel stared at it. What could be in that room that Vanessa wanted to keep hidden away? She reached out to test the doorknob.

No. Mel pulled her hand back. She shouldn’t have been snooping in the first place. She wasn’t about to try to get into a room that practically screamed ‘keep out.’ Especially considering that Vanessa was apprehensive about bringing anyone back to her home. Some doors were better left unopened.

Mel made her way to the bathroom. Vanessa was waiting for her in a tub full of fragrant, foamy water. Her damp hair clung to her head, and her skin was glistening wet.

Vanessa beckoned Mel in with a finger. She slipped into the bath in front of Vanessa and leaned back against her. Mel closed her eyes as Vanessa’s arms enveloped her.

Chapter Nineteen

“Hey, Mel. Coming to drinks tonight?” James asked as he passed her.

“Sure.” Mel had earned a night off. And it would be her last chance with final exams on the way. Then she’d have to really buckle down.

“Great. By the way, has Ben come in yet?”

“Yep, he’s out back.”

“Thanks. Do you mind watching the bar for a couple of minutes?”

Mel smiled. “No problem.”

James and Ben were now officially a couple, and it was clear from watching them that they were madly in love. They tried their hardest to act professionally at work. But they couldn’t help but show their affection for each other. Stolen glances, gentle touches, whispered words. And they lit up in each other’s presence.

Did Mel want something like that with Vanessa? The night of the fundraiser had been so perfect. During the week that followed, they’d spent every other night together. What had happened that first night at Vanessa’s apartment never happened again. They had gone back to their regular dynamic. But now, everything seemed so much more intimate. So much sweeter.

Mel fingered the choker around her neck. Vanessa was away for business. And Mel was surprised by how much she missed her. They talked almost every day. And at the end of every phone call, there was a silence filled with words unspoken.

Mel sighed. She hadn’t intended for this to happen. And she still wasn’t ready to admit what ‘this’ was. Her old doubts still played in her mind.

“Hi there.” A short, curvy brunette leaned down over the bar, her crossed arms framing her generous chest. “I’ll have a margarita.”

“Coming right up.” Mel set about making the drink.

“So.” The woman twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. “Does your Master ever let you come out and play?”

Heat rose up Mel’s face. This wasn’t the first time someone had recognized her necklace for what it was. It didn’t surprise her, considering what Vanessa had said about the clientele at The Lounge and Lilith’s overlapping. The sly smiles, and subtle nods. They weren’t suggestive in any way. They were more a respectful acknowledgment that they both belonged to the same secret club.

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