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Her Surrender (Irresistibly Bound 2)

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“Excuse me?”

“You heard what I said,” Vicki replied. “But since you don’t seem inclined to answer me, I’m going to make an educated guess.”

April crossed her arms. “Go ahead.”

“You’re here to take your mind off your problems.”

April shrugged. “Maybe.”

“And what would those problems be?”

“The usual. Work. Women. Everything.”

“I can’t imagine you having problems with women,” Vicki said.

“Are you kidding?” April said. “I have nothing but problems with women. And it’s not like they’re lining up to date me.”

“Of course they’re not. They’re all intimidated by you.”

“I’m intimidating?”

“Extremely,” Vicki replied. “Not to mention you’re the hottest woman in the room. That’s intimidating.”

“That didn’t stop you.”

“Because I like a challenge.”

April shook her head. “It’s a game to you? Finding a woman at a bar and seeing if you can get her to go home with you?”

“I do enjoy playing games,” Vicki said. “But that part comes later.”

April gaped at her. What exactly was Vicki suggesting? A number of naughty images sprang up in April’s mind.

“How about we ditch this bar and go somewhere nicer?” Vicki asked.

April narrowed her eyes. “Somewhere nicer?”

“Yes. A different bar, for example.”

“I’m sure that’s what you meant.”

“Why, did you have somewhere else in mind?” Vicki propped her elbow up on the bar and crossed her ankles. “I’m open to suggestions.”

April couldn’t believe Vicki’s nerve. Did she really think that it was a given that April would go home with her? That as soon as they stepped through the door Vicki would have April up against the wall and begging for Vicki to…

Wow. Where had that thought even come from?

“So, what do you say?” Vicki asked.

April bit the inside of her cheek. Her mind was telling her to put her drink down, and walk out the door, to go home to the comfort of her bed. But the rest of her body was screaming something completely different.

“I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to find an excuse to walk away. You’re telling yourself that you shouldn’t do this, you shouldn’t want this.” Vicki leaned in closer. “It’s only one night. Give in to temptation just this once.”

There was something hypnotic about Vicki’s smooth voice, and her perfect skin, and her dark green eyes. They seemed so endless, so easy to get lost in.

Or maybe those mojitos were stronger than April realized.

Vicki straightened up. “Of course, if you’re not interested, just say the word and I’ll leave you alone.”

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