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Body Rush (Masters of Pleasure 1)

Page 58

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eanette collapsed into the chair across from her desk, a frown marring her brow. “I can’t seem to muster up the courage to speak to him.”

“What do you know about this guy?” Lydia asked, as she leaned against Roni’s desk.

“Nothing really. He comes in and orders a cup of coffee, black, drinks it and leaves.”

“Credit card receipts? Ring?” Roni inserted.

Jeanette shook her head. “He pays in cash and there’s no ring.”

Good, Roni thought, at least he isn’t married. “Have you ever caught him checking you out?”

“There were a few times I thought he was staring at my butt, but I can’t be sure.” Jeanette shrugged. “He was probably thinking I needed to lose a few pounds. Most guys do.”

Roni knew Jeanette was self-conscious about her figure. She had a feeling a past lover had something to do with that, which pissed her off. “You’re body is perfect the way it is.” Roni thought for a second. “Does he sit with his nose in a laptop or a newspaper when he comes in?”

“Nope. Just drinks his coffee, then leaves.” Her eyes glazed over. “On his black motorcycle. God, the man is so hot.”

Roni and Lydia both laughed. “Well, I think you need to make a move,” Roni said. “Nothing overt, just start with saying hi. Maybe introduce yourself as the owner, ask if he’s pleased with the service, or something like that.”

Jeanette sat up straighter. “You know how I am though. I stutter and stammer and pretty soon I’m making a fool of myself.”

“If you don’t get over this shyness, he could slip right through your fingers,” Lydia said, her voice gentle.

Jeanette started to pick at the hem of her blouse. “I really don’t want that.”

“Try to think of him as any other customer,” Roni said. “The Coffee House is your business and you are in control there. Not him.”

Jeanette smiled. “You’re right. I’m going to do it. Next time I see him I’ll introduce myself. If he’s not interested, well, at least I’ll have tried.”

“Damn straight.” Roni said before returning her attention to trying to figure out the command prompt thingy that Jake had shown her. “I’m finished here, just trying to figure out this camera.”

“Camera?” Jeanette asked, as she stood and came around the desk to stare at the webcam attached to her monitor. “Why do you have a webcam?”

“Yeah, what’s with the webcam?” Lydia said as she moved to stand behind her chair.

“Remember all the problems I’ve been having with my computer lately?”

“You were having the computer guy out again last we talked. Did he fix it?”

“Yes and no. It seems someone’s been using my computer to download Internet porn.”

“Oh my God! Are you serious?”

“Yep. that’s why the damn thing kept freezing up on me. I had a bunch of spyware on my computer. He cleaned it up and installed the camera so we could catch the person in the act.”

“Really? How?”

Roni explained about the camera being motion sensitive, then finally remembered the right commands. She typed them in and pulled up the file containing any images the webcam captured.

“There.” Roni pointed to the screen. “See the thumbnail?”

“Yeah,” Jeanette said, leaning closer.

“Hopefully it’ll show us who’s been sitting in my chair while I’m not here. Shit, please don’t be Melissa.”

Lydia coughed. “You think Melissa is downloading porn on your computer?”

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