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Body Rush (Masters of Pleasure 1)

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“Cory said you had coffee with some hottie this morning. She was going all gaga over the guy.”

Jeanette glared at him. “I didn’t have coffee with him.”

Dean arched a brow at her. “So there wasn’t a motorcycle dude in here this morning?”

Jeanette blushed. Damn, did everyone have to know her business? “Well, yes, but I didn’t exactly have coffee with him.”

“Then what exactly did you do?”

Dean’s attitude pricked her temper. He tended to do the big-brother thing with her way too much, even though she was the older of the two and he wasn’t even her brother. “That’s none of your business. And Cory shouldn’t be gossiping.”

Dean shrugged and leaned against the counter. “Cory always gossips, but I’ve never known you to flirt with a customer.”

Damn, had she been that obvious? “Who said anything about flirting?”

Dean picked up a dishtowel and started twirling it around. “All I know is what Cory told me. She said you were flirting with this motorcycle dude and he was hitting on you big time.”

Jeanette’s body heated at the memory. Who knew mousy Jeanette could gain the attention of a man like Hunter? She still wondered if he’d been playing her. If he didn’t show tonight, she’d have her answer. She sent up a quick prayer that he’d show.

Dean flicked the towel at her. It grazed her hip and the slight sting caused her to jump back. “Stop that or I’m taking back that raise I gave you last month.”

“You went all glassy-eyed for a second there. I was just trying to get you back on the conversation.”

“This conversation is over.” Jeanette turned and started toward the office.

Dean jogged up beside her. “So, did you two set up a date or something?”

Jeanette swiped at her brown hair and sighed. “You’re way too preoccupied by my social calendar. Go home and call that co-ed you were going on and on about last night.”

Dean moved in front of her and pushed her office door open, then waited for her to enter before he shuffled in behind her. “Turns out she has a boyfriend. Besides I’ve got my eyes on someone else.”

Jeanette moved around her desk and sat in the old, worn-out

brown leather chair. She resisted the urge to pull her purse out of the bottom drawer and use the little mirror she kept tucked inside to check her makeup. It’d been a long day, her ponytail was probably a wreck and she’d probably sweated most of her makeup off hours ago.

Dean plopped into the chair across from her and stretched out his long, lean legs. “So, give it up. Are you going out with the dude or what?”

“If it will get you to go home, yes. He’s coming here tonight.”

Dean sat up and leaned forward, his interest obviously piqued. “Damn, really? When?”

Jeanette checked her watch again. “He should be here”—the chimes on the front door jangled, signaling a new arrival—“now.” She’d left the front door unlatched for him, otherwise she’d have locked up after the last customer.

Dean shot out of his seat and went to the office door. Before she could blink, he’d already made his way halfway across the kitchen. Jeanette sprinted after him. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I want to meet him.”

His arrogant tone grated on her nerves. “You have no business meeting my dates, Dean. This is going too far.”

“I just want to see if he’s as fabulous as Cory says he is.”

Before she could protest further, he’d pushed through the doors leading to the dining area. Jeanette took a deep breath and followed. She spotted Hunter sitting on a stool at the counter. When he looked up and noticed her striding toward him, his lips kicked up at one corner. It was the sexiest grin she’d ever seen. As Dean moved up next to her, Hunter’s smile disappeared.

“Am I interrupting something?”

His deep baritone gave her goose bumps. “Hunter, I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” She glared at Dean. “Dean is an employee. He was just leaving.”

To her surprise, Dean held out his hand. Hunter took it and the two men seemed to have a silent exchange. “Pleased to meet you, Hunter,” Dean said as he released the much larger man and stepped back.

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