Body Rush (Masters of Pleasure 1) - Page 74

Jeanette wanted to laugh off the outrageous compliment, but how long had it been since a man had taken the time to flirt with her? She had Hunter’s full attention tonight and she intended to do everything in her power to keep it.


Hunter whistled low as he entered the kitchen and took in the gleaming stainless steel surfaces.


“The health inspector must love you, huh?” Every counter shone, the white tile floor was spotless and everything seemed to be tucked away as neat as a pin. It was clear she took pride in her work. Hunter understood that quality well. His respect for her grew.

She turned to pull a plate out from a cupboard. “I admit, they never have much to say when they’re here.”

When she pointed to a little rickety table situated along one wall, Hunter said, “I thought you had some work to finish up. Don’t let me interrupt. I can wait.”

Jeanette went to a large refrigerator and brought out a can of whipped cream. Hunter had ideas for that whipped cream, and not one of them included a brownie.

Jeanette flipped her long ponytail behind her shoulder. “It’s okay, I finished early.”

“Good, I have your full attention then.” She nodded and quickly looked back at the brownie, as if his words embarrassed her. Damn, he’d never seen a woman so timid around men. Still, he liked knowing he’d have her all to himself for the rest of the evening. Maybe he could get her over some

of the skittish behavior.

Hunter sat in one of the metal chairs. It wobbled a little and he stiffened. “Uh, is this thing going to hold me?”

Jeanette turned, a frown marring her brow. “I hope so.”

He chuckled. “Not very reassuring.”

She pointed the knife she’d grabbed out of a drawer in his direction. “If it breaks, are you going to sue me?”

He eyed the knife carefully, then took in the teasing gleam in her eyes. She was playing with him, getting comfortable in his presence. A surge of male pride shot through him at the notion that maybe he was seeing a side to the pretty brunette other men weren’t privy to. Maybe he was deluding himself, but Jeanette didn’t strike him as the type to play with just any man.

Remembering her question, Hunter murmured, “I wouldn’t dream of suing you, sweetheart. Money isn’t what I want from you anyway.”

Jeanette bit her lip as her gaze traveled over his torso. “Uh, okay.”

As she went back to cutting a slice of the double-chocolate brownie, Hunter noticed there weren’t two plates on the counter, only one. “Aren’t you eating?”

“No, I’m really not hungry.”

Not an option, he thought to himself. He wanted to watch her lick the whipped cream and nibble on the chocolate treat. No way would he be denied that erotic show. “I’m not eating alone,” he stated.

Jeanette took out a spoon and brought the chocolaty treat to the table. “You’ll change your mind once you taste it.”

Hunter laughed. “Pretty confident, aren’t you?”

Jeanette pulled out the other chair and sat down. The distance bugged him. He wanted her closer. In his lap would be better. He wanted to touch her, watch her eyes take on that warm espresso shade he’d witnessed earlier that morning. Patience, he reminded himself. He didn’t want to spook her by moving too fast.

“About baking I’m very confident,” She rested her chin in her palm. “I’ve been doing it ever since I could remember.”

Hunter could so easily picture her as a little girl, brown hair in pigtails while she helped her mother in the kitchen. He cocked his head to the side. “Were you the little urchin getting flour everywhere while you helped Mom bake cookies?”

Jeanette’s cheeks turned pink, causing his hand to itch. With so little effort he could reach out and stroke the warm, soft skin. Hell, he wanted to spend hours caressing her.

“Yep, that pretty much describes me,” Jeanette said, her expression thoughtful. “My parents live in Arizona now. They wanted a drier climate.”

“Do you see each other often?”

Jeanette nodded. “We always get together for holidays.”

Tags: Anne Rainey Masters of Pleasure Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024