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So Sensitive (Hard to Get 1)

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For a change Jean stayed silent. Wade reached out and cupped Gracie’s nape. “We need to get to the station.”

Gracie nodded, but kept her worried gaze on Jean. “Cal Brian. I won’t feel comfortable until I know you’re safe.”

Jean waved a hand in the air. “Don’t fret over me, dear. I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time now.” She hugged Gracie and made her promise to cal , then left. Wade waited, watching in silence along with the detective and the two officers as Gracie took another look around the room. The sadness in her eyes when her gaze lingered on her torn up books was unmistakable. “I never looked through the bedroom,” she said, her voice quivering a little. Anyone else might not have detected it, but Wade knew Gracie too wel to miss it.

He kissed the top of her head. “I saw it, sweetheart. It’s pretty bad. Maybe tomorrow”—he stopped himself and checked his watch—“later today actual y, wil be soon enough to start going through everything.”

“Yeah. I guess it’s a good thing I have renter’s insurance, huh?”

He smiled down at her. “You don’t worry about any of that for now. Everything’s going to be okay, baby.”

“Thanks, Wade. I’m ready to look at the bedroom now. Might as wel get it over with.”

He nodded and fol owed close behind as they went down the hal . When they entered he heard Gracie gasp. “Oh, God.”

“Yeah,” Wade snarled, pissed al over again.

Gracie moved around the room, picking up various articles of clothing, al destroyed. The dresser mirror was shattered. Makeup and hair accessories were scattered everywhere. And there were more destroyed books. She picked up a cover that had been torn off and cursed. “I thought I was prepared. No one could prepare for this.”

Wade stayed silent, waiting for her to absorb it al . When she dropped the cover and turned toward him with haunted eyes, Wade knew a whole different sort of hel . In that moment, Wade made a promise to himself to help her replace every single book she’d lost. It didn’t matter how long it took. Then he’d find the bastard and make him pay for causing Gracie so much grief.

“I don’t want to be here anymore,” Gracie said. “Tomorrow is going to be a real y long day.”

Wade stepped away from the doorway and waited for her to step through it before fol owing her down the hal to the living room. Her back was straight, head held high, and Wade’s respect for her grew. Or was it something deeper? He had a feeling he was fal ing for the red-haired beauty. The thought should have sent him into a panic. Wade wasn’t the sort of man for happily ever afters and white picket fences. That he could so easily picture exactly that with Gracie was damn tel ing.

Imagining waking to her snuggled up against him in bed every morning sent his blood racing through his veins. Knowing she seemed to be slipping inside his heart made him even more desperate to get her stalker behind bars. The quicker it was settled, the quicker he could start concentrating on more pleasant things. Like convincing Gracie that he was good for more than protection.

Gracie woke to light streaming through the large window across from Wade’s bed. She blinked and looked to her left. She was alone. A note sat on Wade’s pil ow. She frowned. Wondering what he was up to, Gracie picked up the slip of paper.

You looked so pretty I didn’t have it in me to wake you. Take a long bath, and when you’re ready, come downstairs. I have a treat for you.

/> Sweet kisses, Wade

Her heart began to race. She sat up and pushed the covers aside. Immediately she spotted a lovely emerald green blouse and a pair of jeans draped across the overstuffed, black chair across from the bed. “He bought me clothes?”

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Gracie glanced down at her fractured wrist. It only throbbed a little. “Thank God for that at least.” She stood and crossed the room. As Gracie picked up the blouse, she eyed the label. It was her size. Careful not to wrinkle the delicate satiny material, Gracie placed it back on the chair before checking out the jeans. She didn’t know how he did it, but both items were her size. How he’d managed to purchase new clothes for her while she slept was a mystery she hoped to solve soon. Then a rotten thought invaded her mind. Did managed to purchase new clothes for her while she slept was a mystery she hoped to solve soon. Then a rotten thought invaded her mind. Did he already have them on hand? From a previous girlfriend maybe? The idea made her stomach rol .

Dressed in one of Wade’s soft cotton Ts, Gracie left the clothes behind and headed for the bathroom. First a hot shower, then she’d get some answers. As she entered the smal er room, she flipped on the light. The first thing she noticed was a black bra and a pair of matching panties draped over the towel rack. More satin. The slip of paper perched precariously on top of the sensual set caught her eye. Gracie bit her lip and moved forward. Picking up the note, she realized her heart was beating faster. At this rate she’d go into cardiac arrest, for crying out loud!

The note was folded in half. She counted to ten and opened it.

You’re too suspicious, Gracie. The clothes are not from another woman. I told Deanna about the break-in; she bought you the clothes. See you downstairs, my Fiery Angel. P.S. The plastic bag and rubber band on the counter is for the cast.

Gracie smiled as she noticed the bag. Wade had a way of doing that to her. She had a madman on her tail, her apartment was in shambles, and yet she couldn’t stop grinning. And al because of a few words written on a slip of paper.

As she turned on the water and adjusted the temperature, her mind glommed onto the nickname he’d given her. Fiery Angel. She liked it. It was sexy and tough. Like a kick-ass heroine in one of the romance books she loved to read. It was much better than the way her last boyfriend had described her. He said she was boring and predictable. She snorted. “What a jerk.”

Careful to cover her cast with the bag, Gracie stepped into the shower and shoved thoughts of her ex out of her mind. Letting the hot water soothe her aching body, she glanced down and noted that the bruises from the accident were lighter this morning. The yel ow and green marks made her look sickly, but they were final y starting to go away. As ugly as they were, it was a wonder they hadn’t deterred Wade from making love to her. Instead of cringing at the sight, he’d looked at her as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world. She’d never truly felt beautiful. Adequate, nice looking, but never a raving beauty. He’d seen her at her worst, and yet he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her. It wasn’t just the sex, though, she admitted; it was as if Wade saw in her more than a good time. She’d thought their time together would be about mutual desire, chemistry, and sating each other’s needs, wants. But with the morning came renewal. She felt refreshed and ready to see where things between them would lead. Did Wade want more than a few nights? What would he do once her stalker was caught? Would he move on?

Odd how quickly Wade had managed to get under her skin. Her other relationships had always been about comfort and companionship.

Deep feelings weren’t part of the equation. With Wade she had a need to know everything about him. His deepest, darkest secrets. His life in the army. His childhood. The man simply fascinated her. Was this love? Sadly, Gracie wasn’t sure, as she had absolutely nothing with which to compare this. Al her past lovers, as few as they were, seemed so two-dimensional al of a sudden. Wade was her strong, dark-haired protector. And he made her feel alive. Sexy and wild. Heck, even treasured. She’d known him such a short amount of time. What kind of woman fel in love so quickly? If that’s what this even was, as she stil wasn’t ready to put a label on it.

Gracie finished showering and shut off the water. She pushed the curtain aside and came face-to-face with the man she’d been thinking so hard about. She bit her lip and grabbed the towel he held out for her, then attempted to ignore the way his black T-shirt stretched to accommodate his yummy chest.

“I thought you might need some help buttoning the blouse.”

“Oh, of course. Thank you.” Gracie stepped out of the tub and started drying off. A wave of shyness swept over her when she caught Wade watching the towel’s progress over her body. Why, after everything they’d shared, would she feel so self-conscious? There wasn’t a single inch of skin on her body that Wade hadn’t explored. And yet her hands were shaking.

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