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So Sensitive (Hard to Get 1)

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Gracie waited for her heart to stop sprinting before yel ing, “I thought I was ready for it since other guns are going off, but I guess not.”

Wade reached out and stroked her arm, soothing her frazzled nerves instantly. “Look into your spotting scope, sweetheart.”

Gracie put it to her eye. It took her a second, but she final y found Wade’s target. “Wow, you’re good,” she cal ed out. The bul et hadn’t hit the center but the next ring out. She raised her eyes to his to find him grinning down at her. “What?”

center but the next ring out. She raised her eyes to his to find him grinning down at her. “What?”

Wade placed his palm beneath her chin and gently tugged her toward him. “I am very good.”

He’d said the words close to her ear, his hot breath fanning the flames of her desire. When he touched his lips to hers, disarming her completely, she had to force herself not to lean into his body. Ah, if only they were alone. Unfortunately they weren’t. As she glanced around she noticed a few of the women checking Wade out. From head to toe. The twinge of jealousy skating down her spine took her by surprise.

She pul ed away, and Wade’s eyebrows shot up in silent inquiry.

She indicated their very public surroundings with a wave of her hand. “Behave,” she mouthed. Not exactly the reason she’d pul ed back, but he didn’t have to know that.

He didn’t speak, simply stroked his thumb back and forth over her bottom lip. Gracie was hard-pressed to keep from moaning. When Wade resumed target practice, Gracie sighed in relief. Much more of his feathery touches, and she would’ve been dragging him off to his truck.

The remainder of their time outside was spent in silence. Gracie was suitably impressed with Wade’s marksmanship. She should’ve known he would handle a rifle like a pro. After al , the man was damn good with his hands. Careful and precise. And while she wasn’t a gun enthusiast, she could see Wade took it al very seriously. He took his time, shooting the gun repeatedly.

By the time they made their

way to the indoor range, Gracie wasn’t nearly as nervous. Maybe it was because Wade made her feel safe, or maybe it was because the .38 caliber Ruger was so much smal er than the daunting rifle he’d used. She didn’t know. Either way, handling the smal gun wasn’t nearly as difficult as she’d expected.

Wade careful y walked her through the entire process. He demonstrated everything from where the safety was to how to load the clip. He showed her how to chamber a round and shoot. He even instructed her on how to check to see if the gun was loaded. She couldn’t do much with her cast, of course, but simply becoming familiar with the firearm, the weight and feel, was one step closer to feeling less vulnerable.

Somehow Wade had known that Gracie needed that smal measure of comfort.

How was it possible he knew her so wel in such a short time? She’d spent her entire life careful y keeping men at arm’s length. Without her even realizing it, Gracie had somehow let Wade around her defenses. He made her want more. A deeper connection. A life ful of love and laughter . . . with him.

And that sent fear through her like nothing else.


“I can’t believe you cal ed everyone to help clean, Wade. You real y shouldn’t have done that.”

“The more help we can get, the faster it’l go.” Wade picked up one of her torn books and careful y placed it on the pile with the rest of them.

He wasn’t throwing them out, not until he had a chance to write down the title and author of each book destroyed. “Besides, that’s what friends are for. To lend a hand when needed. Might as wel get used to it, Gracie.”

Wade watched Gracie stare out the front window. He fol owed her line of sight and noticed Cherry and Dante pul ing into Gracie’s apartment complex. Wade went to the door and opened it for them.

“Cherry’s my friend,” Gracie said, her voice a little too shaky for his peace of mind, “but your brother and sister and Jonas, they’ve only just met me.” She turned to him. “Why would they want to help clean up this mess?”

She was truly baffled, and it broke his heart. He closed the distance between them and took hold of her shoulders and noticed that her eyes were fil ed with tears. How she managed to keep them from fal ing down her cheeks was beyond him. The woman had strength and pride in spades. “Because you’re a sweet, loving, gentle person, sweetheart.” She started to speak, but he wouldn’t hear more protests. “You didn’t deserve what this asshole did to you. Stop acting as if you have to bear this burden alone. You aren’t alone, not anymore.”

“He’s right.”

They both turned. Cherry stood in the doorway, her arms ful of cleaning supplies. He could’ve kissed her right then and there. “You aren’t alone. Besides we both know you’d do it for any one of us.”

Gracie nodded. “Of course I would.”

Cherry grinned. “Good, it’s settled then. Where do I start?”

Dante came through the door then, carrying several empty boxes. “I thought Gracie might want to store any valuables that managed to escape the destruction. Until this is al over with, I mean.”

Gracie pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and said, “I didn’t even think of that. Good idea.”

“Come on, you can start on the kitchen.” Wade led Cherry to the other room. “Most of the dishes are broken. Be careful where you step.”

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