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So Sensitive (Hard to Get 1)

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Then, shyly, sweetly, she pressed her mouth to his. Damn, the woman was an addiction. White-hot and every bit a

s lethal as TNT.

And Wade was more than ready to go up in flames.


Wade woke, instantly alert to the knowledge that he was alone. Gracie. His heartbeat sped up as the icy-cold fingers of fear traveled down his spine. Just as quickly he pushed the fear away, and his army training kicked in. He glanced at the clock next to the bed. Two in the morning. He listened for some indication that she might be in the bathroom or maybe had decided to raid his fridge. But there wasn’t any sound at al .

That worried him more.

Leaving the bed, he found his jeans in a crumpled heap on the floor and pul ed them on. As quietly as possible, he opened his nightstand drawer. Grabbing the Ruger he’d tucked in there after returning from the shooting range, he cocked it and took the safety off. On silent feet he moved toward the doorway, letting his senses scan his surroundings. It’d be hard for her stalker to get through Wade’s security system, as it was state of the art, but he wasn’t taking chances with Gracie’s life. He took a step, then another; that’s when he heard it. A shuffling, like paper.

Wade leaned his head through the doorway and looked to the left. There, tucked in a chair in front of the bookcase, Gracie sat al curled up like a cat, reading. Wade let out the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding. She glanced up, smiled—and frowned when she spied the gun.


“Damn, baby. You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“Uh, I couldn’t sleep.”

Wade ejected the bul et and flipped the safety back in place before placing the bul et and gun on a table. He came toward her; angling his head he read the title on the spine of the old, worn book she held close to her chest. “So, you decided to read a little Poe?”

“I love Poe.”

Wade crouched in front of her. “You can read it in bed.”

Wrapping his arms beneath her, he lifted Gracie out of the chair and carried her back to where she belonged, al tucked up close to his side.

Warm and safe.

“I didn’t want to wake you. You look so peaceful when you sleep, Wade.”

“I’m peaceful knowing you’re close,” he growled, as he sat her on the bed and waited until she scooted over before getting in beside her. He flicked the sleeve of the T-shirt she wore—his T-shirt, he noted with satisfaction—and said, “In my bed, you sleep naked. Off with it.”

She batted his hand away and frowned. “No, I’m cold.”

“I’l keep you warm.” Her frown turned fierce. He softened his tone and tried for persuasion instead of force. “I’l read Poe to you if you take off the shirt.”

Her eyes widened. “You wil ?”

Ah, now he had her. “If you take off the shirt, yes.”

Like the cat that had spotted the mouse, Gracie grinned. She handed him the book. He took it and waited. She pul ed the shirt over her head.

Like a heat-seeking missile his gaze zeroed in on her pretty piercings. Christ, he was fucking obsessed with those shiny bits of gold. “I should make it a rule. No clothes in the bed. Ever.”

She laughed and lay back against the pil ow. “I’m waiting for my bedtime story.”

Wade pul ed her close and yanked the blankets over them both. Contentment settled over him. He opened the book, then paused, spearing her with a look of disapproval. “You know, Gracie, only good girls get a bedtime story.”

She nuzzled his chest and murmured, “I took the shirt off. I was a very good girl.”

“But you left my bed,” he reminded her, “leaving me to sleep cold and alone.”

“You’re anything but cold, Wade. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Her husky voice heated his blood, which had been her intention al along. “Little minx. Be good.” He kissed her, keeping it light and quick; otherwise he’d end up dragging her beneath him. Wade didn’t think she was up to more sex tonight. He’d taken her hard earlier. Her body needed time to recover.

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