Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2) - Page 65

“I think I can imagine it, yes.”

He turned off his car and yanked out the key. “It?”

“You,” she answered in a soft voice.

“Good,” he gritted out, “hold that thought. Fifteen minutes, kitten.”

Jonas heard a small laugh. “I’ll be here, Jonas.”

The idea of Deanna waiting in bed for him sent a bolt of lightning through his bloodstream. Christ, how he wished he could go there now, strip her naked, and make slow, sweet love to her the rest of the night. Instead, he was going to have to rely on a webcam,

a poor fucking substitute for Deanna’s warm, curvy body.


He was the most voracious man Deanna had ever known. Even from a distance, Jonas managed to have her panting and ready. It was humbling how effortlessly the man could get to her. As Deanna waited for him to call, she opened her Skype account and stared at Jonas’s status, willing it to change from offline to online. When it turned green, her heartbeat sped up. She looked at the clock on the right corner of her monitor. Fifteen minutes exactly. Well, of course he was on time; this was Jonas she was talking about. The man was perfect, and she was in love with him. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that morsel of data. What if he never felt the same way about her? A part of her was afraid he’d get bored with her and move on. For Deanna there wouldn’t be any moving on. What she felt for Jonas was the real deal. She ought to know, because she’d never felt it before.

The ringing over the computer speaker jarred her out of her love-struck musings. She hit the little answer button, and instantly she could see Jonas. He was shirtless and wore only a pair of black boxer-briefs. Holy mother, he was hot. His tanned, muscular chest and shaggy, unkempt hair stared her in the face. A lick, was it so much to ask?

“H-hi,” she said. Crap, she’d stuttered. Real sophisticated.

“Hi, kitten,” he murmured as he looked her over. “Don’t get pissed, but did you lock up?”

She laughed. “Yes, I locked up. And I’m only going to get pissed if you make decisions for me or treat me like I’m a two-year-old. Being concerned is sweet, Jonas.”

“Sweet?” he snorted. “That’s new. I’ve never been accused of that before.”

“You can also be annoying,” she said as she shifted her pillow to get more comfortable.

He chuckled and leaned back against what appeared to be a headboard. She couldn’t see much more than his face and chest. “Now, that I’ve heard.”

Curious about his surroundings, she asked, “Where are you right now? Your bedroom?”

He nodded. “Yeah, want to see?”

She wasn’t about to pass up that opportunity. “Yes.”

The camera moved as he started to stand. Deanna saw a black comforter; then he pointed the computer away from him so she could see the rest of the room. He moved it in a slow arc. Plain white walls, black-and-white striped curtains on the window, and a large wooden desk against one wall. When it stopped on what appeared to be a couple of computer monitors and a black metal tower of some sort, Deanna asked, “What is all that?”

Jonas brought the laptop back around and she was once again staring into his face, only this time he was closer and she could see his dreamy blue eyes up close. God, why had she told him he couldn’t come over? Was she a masochist?

“The big thing is a server,” he said. “The multiple monitors are for work.”

Deanna frowned. “Why on earth would you need all that?”

“Hacking into databases isn’t easy,” he explained. “It’s time-consuming work. The multiple workstations allow me to let a program run on one while I work on the other. Saves me hours of waiting around.”

Hacking? That surprised her. She’d known he was a computer geek, but she hadn’t known he was capable of that. “You break into people’s computers?”

“Hang on,” he said; then the camera moved off him and bounced up and down a few times before finally settling on him once more. “Sorry, I needed to get back into bed. And to answer your question, yes, sometimes it’s necessary. I don’t do it to get my jollies and it’s not because I get off on invading a person’s privacy.” He rubbed his chin, then said, “Although your brother seems to think I get way too much enjoyment out of it.”

Deanna laughed. “And do you?”

He wagged his eyebrows. “I can find my pleasures elsewhere. Take you for instance.”

“Take me?” she asked, hoping her voice didn’t sound quite as breathless as she suspected. “Where would you take me, Jonas?”

“To heaven, kitten,” he answered in that deep, gravelly tone that told Deanna he was more than a little aroused.

Tags: Anne Rainey Hard to Get Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024