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A Match Made in Mistletoe

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“Not fair, but I can see you’re dwelling on it. On a night when I want you to be supremely happy.” His smile turned sheepish. “Very well. I may as well confess all. But I warn you, my love, that you’re going to find my rakish past a letdown.”

Oh, dear. That didn’t sound good. “Because you were so profligate?”

“Anything but.” Self-derision edged his laugh. “I’m afraid my exploits have been wildly exaggerated.”

“No women at all?” Puzzled, she tried to interpret his expression. “I can’t believe that.”

He shrugged. “Oh, it’s true that I went a little mad when I first entered society. I knew you’d never have me, so what did it matter what I did? I soon realized that I was using those women as stand-ins for the woman I really wanted. Once the pleasure was done, it always had a nasty kick. I haven’t shared my bed in four years.”

“So the ladies didn’t pursue you?” She could hardly credit this. But meeting his grave stare, how could she doubt him?

He took her hand and raised it to his lips for a kiss that was a beckoning whisper of bliss to come. “I suspect my lack of interest was the main attraction.”

“So it really has always been me?” She knew by now that he’d loved her for years, but he was still capable of astounding her with the strength and steadfastness of his devotion.


“I’m not worthy.” A lump of emotion clogged her throat, so the words emerged as a husky murmur.

The sweetness in his kiss melted her bones. “Of course you are, my darling.”

“I know I haven’t loved you as long as you’ve loved me,” she said, more choked up after that potent kiss. “But I promise I’ll catch up to you.”

“Now, that, my beloved, is an offer I’ll gladly accept.” Giles drew her close and kissed her with a passion that promised a lifetime of love and happiness to come.


Continue reading for an excerpt from:

A Pirate for Christmas

A Regency Novella

* * *

Pursued by the pirate…

Bess Farrar might be an innocent village miss, but she knows enough about the world to doubt Lord Channing’s motives when he kisses her the very day they meet. After all, local gossip insists that before this dashing rake became an earl, he sailed the Seven Seas as a ruthless pirate.

Bewitched by the vicar’s daughter…

Until he unexpectedly inherits a title, staunchly honorable Scotsman Rory Beaton has devoted his adventurous life to the Royal Navy. But he sets his course for tempestuous new waters when he meets lovely, sparkling Bess Farrar. Now this daring mariner will do whatever it takes to convince the spirited lassie to launch herself into his arms and set sail into the sunset.

A Christmas marked by mayhem.

Wooing his vivacious lady, the new Earl of Channing finds himself embroiled with matchmaking villagers, an eccentric vicar, mistaken identities, a snowstorm, scandal, and a rascally donkey. Life at sea was never this exciting. The gallant naval captain’s first landlocked Christmas promises hijinks, danger, and passion – and a breathtaking chance to win the love of a lifetime.

Chapter One

* * *

Penton Wyck, Northumberland, December 1822

It all started with the donkey.

In search of the star performer in the Christmas Eve play, Bess Farrar presented herself on Penton Abbey’s doorstep. A cutting wind whistled around her and the promise of snow tinged the air. She stamped her feet in their half-boots to restore some feeling to her toes.

As she waited an unacceptably long time for someone to answer her knock, she huddled into her coat and cursed landlords who took up residence in a community, then proceeded to ignore their obligations. The nativity celebrations were a longstanding tradition in Penton Wyck. Just as longstanding was the tradition that the lord of the manor provided the donkey.

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