Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 8

Ramona laughed. “That’s like saying you need a break from paradise. Beaches and beautiful weather—if I lived in Los Angeles, I’d never leave.”

“Now you want to live in Los Angeles?” The deep voice startled Audra.

The newcomer was about six feet tall and built like a running back for a professional football team. He walked past Audra and placed a quick kiss on Ramona’s full lips. His rugged, dark good looks held Audra’s attention.

“That depends.” Ramona gave the man a flirtatious glance. “Are you going to Los


“No, temptress, I’m going to Philadelphia.”

“Then so am I.” The love shining in Ramona’s ebony eyes made her even more beautiful.

“Knock it off. I’m about to eat breakfast.” A querulous voice interrupted the lovers’ exchange.

Audra turned to find another tall man on the bar stool beside her. His long, lean figure sprawled elegantly on the seat. The humor in his midnight eyes belied the scowl on his model good looks. Whereas the first man looked like a professional football running back, this one reminded her of a wide receiver.

Audra glanced around at the tables, filling up behind her. She hadn’t imagined the café at Books & Bakery would attract so many people. She waited for her discomfort of crowds to return. It didn’t.

Ramona gestured toward the handsome man beside her. “Penny Lane, this is Dr. Quincy Spates. He’s the new professor of history at the University of Pennsylvania.”

Quincy shook her hand. “Welcome to Trinity Falls.”

Ramona continued. “And the degenerate behind you is Darius Knight. He’s lucky to be gainfully employed as a reporter with The Trinity Falls Monitor.”

“Penny Lane, huh?” Darius’s eyes were curious as he offered Audra his hand. “I was surprised to hear Harmony Cabins had a guest. What brings you to Trinity Falls?”

Audra shook the reporter’s hand. “I’m here on vacation.”

Darius cocked his head and released her hand. “I hadn’t realized anyone outside of Trinity Falls knew the cabins existed.”

A tall, slender woman in a royal blue skirt suit entered the café. Her confident strides carried her behind the counter. “I didn’t know Jack had any cabins that were fully renovated.” She offered Audra her right hand. “Welcome to Trinity Falls. I’m Megan McCloud.”

Audra returned her greeting, trying to remember everyone’s name. Apparently, Jack was the only antisocial person in town, the taciturn hermit in the enchanted forest.

On Audra’s right, Ramona sipped her coffee. “Megan owns Books and Bakery.”

Audra’s eyes widened. “It’s a wonderful bookstore. I can understand why it’s so popular.”

Megan grinned. “Thank you. What do you do?”

Audra tensed. “I’m a musician.”

Darius leaned forward. “What instrument do you play?”

Ramona lowered her coffee mug. “You should talk with Vaughn Brooks. He’s Trinity Falls University’s band director.”

Doreen reappeared with Audra’s breakfast. “I doubt Penny wants to talk shop on her vacation.”

Audra sighed with relief—for both the food and the interruption. She hated lying to these nice people.

Megan crossed her arms. “The books Jack ordered came in. Would you mind taking them to him when you return to the rental cabins?”

“No, not at all.” Audra sipped her coffee.

Megan nodded. “Thank you.”

Doreen topped off Audra’s coffee. “How long will you be with us?”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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