Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 15


She was just warming up. “What are you doing?”


Hmmm, this is harder than it seems. Audra racked her brain for a question that would require more than a one- or two-word answer. “What do you have left to do on this cabin?”

“A lot.”

Wow, he’s a tough subject. She gave him a hard look. Was he doing this on purpose? His sharp sienna features, visible above his beard, gave away nothing.

Audra shoved her hands into the front pockets of her linen shorts and let her attention drift over the cabin behind him. “You don’t have a website, and Benita didn’t have much information on your cabins. I was nervous about coming at first.”


Audra gave him a wide-eyed stare. He’d sounded curious. That must be a good sign. “I think everyone fears the unknown. Don’t you?”

He shrugged his broad shoulders. “Maybe.”

Audra stared at his teal green T-shirt. The simple cut, rounded neckline, and small pocket above his left pectoral seemed familiar. Was this the same shirt he’d worn yesterday?

She gestured toward his torso. “How many shirts do you have like that?”

Jack glanced at his chest. “Seven.”

“One for each day?”


She’d been teasing. Was he serious? “That’s . . . very frugal. What do you do when you run out of T-shirts?”


He was good at this game. Audra had been so sure he wouldn’t have a one-word answer for that question.

She tried again. “What happens if you forget to do the laundry?”

Jack gave her a puzzled look. “I don’t.”

Audra gave up. “I’ve kept you from your work long enough. Sorry.”

“No problem.” Jack struggled not to laugh, which was getting harder to do around Audra.

She was so obviously disappointed that she hadn’t gotten hi

m to talk more. He’d enjoyed the mental challenge of thwarting her. Maybe a part of him was glad Audra Lane had arrived on his rental cabins’ property.

She stepped back. “Still, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

“Why did you?”

She shrugged. “I was restless. You know, I wouldn’t bother you if you had other guests I could talk with.”

“Maybe.” Why was he glad there weren’t other renters on the property? Did he want her interrupting him?

Audra narrowed her eyes. “Are you doing this on purpose?”

His lips twitched, despite his best efforts. “What?”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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