Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 19

Audra straightened. “I can do the math. I’ve been getting up early to jog, but I can always exercise later in the day.”

“You’ve been jogging in the mornings?”

She held her laptop close to her chest. “I’ve seen you coming back from your run.”

Why hadn’t he seen her? It bothered him that someone had watched while he’d exercised his demons.

“What time will we be done fishing?” Audra’s question redirected his train of thought.

“We can stay as long as you like.” He felt a curious combination of fear and anticipation.

It had been years since he’d gone fishing with someone. He didn’t mind his own company, but could he handle Audra’s? She was changing him. The fact he was here proved that. He’d avoided human contact for the past sixteen months, but Audra had the power to pull him from his self-imposed exile after his daughter’s death. Should he fight it? Could he? Did he want to?

Audra almost vibrated with excitement. “Should I bring anything? What should I wear?”

Jack fought to resist her and his longings. “I’ll pack our lunch.” He nodded toward her. “What you’re wearing now is fine.”

More than fine. Maybe he should ask her to wear sweats.

“Great.” She glanced at the serviceable black watch on her wrist. “Good night.”


What had he gotten himself into? Jack watched his guest enter the cabin, then close and lock the patio door between them. A light green curtain he’d never seen before swung in its large, rectangular window. She was even changing his cabins.

Jack walked back to his cabin. His heart was pounding. Was it anxiety or excitement? Audra Lane’s presence was having an almost magical effect on him. How much longer could he resist her? Did he even want to?


Jack had been serious when he said he’d come for her at five o’clock, Monday morning. Audra opened her door to find him on her porch. He wore black cargo shorts and black hiking boots. Today’s T-shirt was gunmetal gray.

“Is this T-shirt number four or five in your collection?” Audra let him in, nodding at his sculpted torso.

“It’s Monday. This is T-shirt number one.” He stopped close enough for her to feel a hint of his body’s warmth. In his left hand, he held two fishing rods.

Audra gestured toward the cooler in his right. “Is that our lunch?”

“Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.” He set the cooler on the floor near his feet.

“Grape jelly?” She noticed the navy blue pack strapped to his back.

“Is there any other kind?”

“You have hidden depths, Mr. Sansbury.” Audra strained to see the man beyond his unkempt hair and overgrown beard. Most of his features were hidden, but his onyx eyes twinkled at her. Her heart tripped at this all-too-rare glimpse of emotion.

Audra settled onto the dark plaid fabric sofa. She shoved her feet into ankle-high coffee-colored hiking boots.

Jack offered her a fishing rod. “Do you know how to use this?”

“I’ve never even seen one in real life.”

“You’re kidding.” Jack lowered the rod.

A thought occurred to Audra. She gave Jack a sharp look. “Am I going to have to put a worm on this?”

“I have artificial lures.”

Relieved, Audra took the rod to examine it. It was longer than she’d imagined, about five feet, and supple. She shook it a few times. “I had no idea fishing rods were so flexible.”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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