Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 24


“It’s my civic duty.”

“Bullshit. You’ve never been civic-minded.”

Simon’s brown cheeks flooded an angry red. “Who are you to approve or disapprove of the reason I’m running for office? I can run for mayor if I damn well choose.”

Darius ignored Simon’s temper and scrutinized the angular features that were discomfortingly similar to his: high forehead, dark eyes, broad nose, and full lips. “Does Mom know what you’re doing?”

“I told her.”


“I don’t have to ask your mother’s permission to do anything. I’m a grown man. The only person I need to please is me.”

Translation: Ethel Knight was pissed. Great. Another reason for his parents to be at odds.

“You don’t know anything about being mayor. You don’t know the first thing about running a town.”

“How hard could it be?” Simon sneered. “If Ramona McCloud can run Trinity Falls, so can I.”

“No, you can’t.” Darius’s voice was flat. “Get a hobby if you’re worried about retirement.”

“I’m not worried about my retirement,” his father grumbled.

“This race is too important for you to use it as a way to draw attention to yourself.”

Simon’s brow beetled with fury. “What does that mean?”

“You know exactly what I’m saying. You love being the center of attention. That’s why you want to run for mayor.”

“That’s not true.” Simon seemed actually to believe his words.

Darius ignored his father’s interruption. “Trinity Falls isn’t your toy. The mayor’s office isn’t a game.”

Simon stood, pushing the chair under the table. “This isn’t a game to me.”

Darius held his father’s gaze. “Public servants aren’t allowed to have secrets.”

Simon spread his arms. “I have nothing to hide.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive.” His father turned and walked away.

Simon Knight wanted the town to believe he was an honest, responsible family man. Darius knew the truth. His father’s life was a lie. Simon’s reckless decision to run for mayor would have devastating consequences for his entire family when those lies were exposed.

Anger and fear stewed in Darius’s gut. He had to convince his father that for once in his selfish life, Simon needed to make a decision that wasn’t all about Simon.


When was the last time he’d come to Trinity Falls? Jack couldn’t remember. It was at least a year and a half ago. Zoey had been alive. But Tuesday evening, Jack pulled his silver Toyota truck into the Trinity Falls Town Center and parked in front of Books & Bakery. He ignored his sudden craving for Doreen’s Trinity Falls Fudge Walnut Brownies. That wasn’t the reason he was here.

The streets on the way into town had been lined with sesquicentennial banners. He had conflicting emotions over their proclamation, 150 YEARS STRONG. He was proud his family had founded something that continued to endure, but he regretted that the legacy would end with him.

Jack climbed from his truck and followed the sidewalk that ribboned the center’s stores. He paused in front of a shingle that read, EAN FEVER, ESQ. It was shortly after six o’clock. Ean must have left for the day. His old friend had visited him three or four times since Ean had resigned his partnership with a New York City law firm and returned to Trinity Falls. Each time, Jack had sped Ean on his way. He wasn’t ready to reconnect with old friends or rejoin the community. It was too soon to start caring about people again.

He continued past Gifts and Greetings, Tilda Maddox’s gifts and card store. Customers meandered in and out of Are You Nuts?—the shop where Vernon Fox sold peanuts and candy. Business looked brisk in Fine Accessories, Grady Weather-ington’s shoes, purse, and accessories store. Few people recognized Jack. Some hailed him, making his name a question. Was it the beard?

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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