Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 68

Doreen gulped the drink before turning to Ramona. “Why?”

“She could get someone to cover the bakery for you so you could go home.”

Doreen finished her water. She put the empty mug in the dishwasher before crossing the kitchen. “I’ll be fine.”

Ramona laid her hand on Doreen’s shoulder. “You did the right thing, standing up for yourself that way.”

“I know.” But why was she having second thoughts?


“How’s my favorite songwriter?” Benita’s overly chipper voice and flattering comment put Audra on instant alert Wednesday afternoon.

She gripped the cell phone and looked away from her guitar and draft lyrics. “What’s wrong?”

Benita sighed. “OK. I won’t try to bullshit you. The producer wants something to work on now.”

Audra sat straighter on the overstuffed sofa. Her gaze swept the cabin’s great room. “His contract says I have another two weeks before I have to deliver the songs.”

“I know. I know. But he’s anxious to get started on the album.” A keyboard clicking in the background accompanied Benita’s reply.

“I don’t have anything for him.” It was a strain, but Audra managed to keep her temper from her voice.

This wasn’t the first producer she’d ever worked with who’d agreed to a contract, then forgot the little details, like payment dates and delivery deadlines. It hadn’t been an inconvenience in the past. Audra usually beat her deadlines. But this time, it was a problem. She’d never had to deal with writer’s block before. Hopefully, she’d never have to deal with it ever again.

A printer whirred on the other end of the cellular phone line. Benita’s response was barely audible beneath it. “He only needs one song, just something to get him started. Don’t you have just one song?”

“No, Benita, I don’t.” She stood and wandered to the front window, tipping the sheer green curtain aside. The scene that waited for her felt like home after only two weeks. “You should remind the producer we have a contract. He can cool his heels because he won’t see anything from me for another two weeks.”

“That’s what I told him.”

“Then why are we having this conversation?” Audra turned away from the window. She walked to the kitchen for a glass of water.

“Because after I told him he would be in breach of contract to request early delivery of any of the songs, he offered to pay you a bonus for each song you delivered before your deadline.”

Audra had to laugh. Obviously, the producer knew the way to Benita’s heart was paved with Benjamins.

She pulled a glass from the cupboard and poured herself ice-cold water from the pitcher she stored in the refrigerator. “I appreciate your looking out for my financial best interests, but I don’t want to rush the process. The quality of the songs would suffer.”

“‘Rush the process’?” Benita snorted. “You’ve been at Harmony Cabins for almost two weeks. I thought for sure you’d have at least one song completed by now. What have you been doing?”

Audra took a healthy swallow of water. “I took your suggestion. I’ve been meeting new people and trying new things.” And having great sex.

Her manager sighed. The tapping in the background sounded like a pencil hitting Benita’s desk. “OK, but now it’s time to get some work done.”

Audra rinsed her glass and turned it upside down on the drain board. “I have been working, Benita. I’m almost done with a song.”

“Why didn’t you say that? When will you be done?”

“I don’t want to rush this. I want to make sure we’re ready.”

“Of course. Of course. When?”

Audra shook her head. She never should have said anything. Now Benita was rushing her to submit the song. “Tell the producer I’ll send him the song when it’s ready and not a day before. All right?”

Silence greeted her on the other side. Audra refused to be the one to break the impasse. She had a contract, darn it, and she had another two weeks to fulfill it.

“You’ve changed.” Benita’s voice was pensive.

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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