Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 105

Doreen braced a hand against the threshold to bar his entry. “This isn’t a good time. I have company.”

Leonard’s expression was blank with surprise. “Who?”

“Evening, Leo.” Alonzo materialized behind Doreen. How had he appeared without her hearing him?

“Alonzo?” Leonard’s voice strained with incredulity. His gaze moved from Doreen to Alonzo and back. “What’s going on?”

Alonzo responded before Doreen could answer. “I could ask you the same thing.”

“Bullshit.” Leonard packed his irritation into those two syllables.

“Leo, we’ll talk another time.” Doreen rushed to control the situation.

She started to close the door. Leonard’s arm struck out to keep it open. His reaction surprised Doreen. But with a subtle movement, Alonzo shifted his stance, putting himself between her and Leonard.

“Doreen asked you to leave.” Alonzo’s voice was cold and flat.

Leonard scowled at him. “I’m not leaving unless you do.”

“Then we have a problem.” Alonzo met the other man’s challenge.

Doreen glanced at Ms. Helen’s house across the street. She cringed, imagining her observant neighbor watching the entertainment through her front windows.

“For heaven’s sake, get inside.” She pulled her door wider. “I’m not having this conversation on my front porch.” Once Leonard entered, she locked her door before turning to face both men.

Leonard confronted Alonzo. “What are you doing here?”

Doreen gasped at his aggression. “Leo!”

“Why are you here?” Alonzo didn’t back down.

Doreen’s eyes stretched wide. “Alonzo!”

Leonard led with his chin. “I don’t want you sniffing around my woman.”

Doreen’s temper spiked. “Your woman?”

“That wasn’t your first mistake.” Alonzo’s temper built like a storm gathering in her front room.

Leonard took a step back. “What are you talking about?”

“Your first mistake was taking Doreen for granted.” Alonzo crossed his arms. “Your second was believing she was your woman.”

Doreen set her hands on her hips. “Alonzo, I can speak for myself.”

Leonard snorted. “What? Do you think she could ever be yours?”

What was wrong with them? Doreen stared from one testosterone faucet to another. Enough was enough. She stepped between Alonzo and Leonard, and shoved both men in the chest. “How dare you talk about me as though I were some inanimate object you can tug between you?”

Alonzo stepped back, raising both hands in surrender. “Doreen, I’m sorry. I—”

She cut him with a look. “I’m not finished speaking.”

Leonard smirked. “That’s right—”

“Shut up, Leo.” She switched her glare to the other man. “You have no right to even pretend to be jealous. You broke up with me two weeks ago.”

Leonard stared in surprise. “No, I didn’t.”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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