Harmony Cabins (Finding Home 2) - Page 121

She stood, silently barring the entrance for so long. Was she going to turn him away, send him back to his hotel? Jack’s palms began to sweat. Audra finally stepped aside and he entered.

“How did you find me?” She fastened the three locks on her front door—the doorknob lock, dead bolt, and security chain.

“Benita gave me your address.” And assured him Audra would be home in the afternoon, probably working. It was a very different image from the one Wendell painted. Why had I believed that guy?

“In exchange for what?” She led him into her living room.

“She was impressed by your Founders Day performance.” Jack’s face heated with embarrassment. “I promised to try to talk you into making your own album.”

“That won’t happen.” Audra settled onto a soft-looking, burnt orange armchair on the far side of the living room.

“At least I can tell her I tried.” Jack sank onto the matching sofa.

The room was bright and happy. The walls were painted a sky blue. Potted spider plants hung in her bay windows. The hardwood flooring was the same oak wood as her bookcase and entertainment center.

“So talk.” Audra was being as stingy with her words as she’d once accused him of being.

In her eyes, he’d previously found laughter, wonder, and desire. Now her champagne gaze was hard with temper.

Regret was sour in his throat. “I’m sorry.”


Audra arched an eyebrow. “That’s it?”

“I . . .”

She rose from her seat. “You could have just called.”

Panicked, Jack popped off the sofa and blocked Audra’s path to her door. “I was wrong to push you away. I’m sorry I did that.”

“That apology took three weeks?” Audra crossed her arms. “You could have phoned that in. Why did you fly all the way to Los Angeles?”

“I wanted to apologize in person.”

Audra shook her head with a sigh. “Well, you’ve done that. Thanks for coming. Good-bye.”

Jack stepped to his left, blocking Audra’s escape again. She looked at him in surprise. He dragged his right hand over his hair. “That’s all you have to say? ‘Good-bye’?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“Anything but good-bye.”

“I enjoyed your Founders Day speech.”

That isn’t any better. “Thanks.”

He scrubbed his hands over his face. Why couldn’t he communicate with her? He’d spoken from his heart to Kerry, to an entire town, but never to Audra. Why couldn’t he let his heart speak to the woman he loved?

Because he was afraid she wouldn’t love him back.

Jack pushed past his fear and pried open his heart. “The past three weeks have been hell without you. All the light you brought into my life has just gone away. I miss you.”

“Now that’s worth flying across the country to say.” Audra’s lips curved into a soft smile.

“It’s just a start.” Jack reached for her hand, relieved when she let him hold it. “Could you give us a chance?”

Audra cocked her head. The light returned to her eyes. “Are you suggesting a long-distance relationship?”

Tags: Regina Hart Finding Home Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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