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The Love Game

Page 24

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Donovan gave Tyler a considering look. In the silence, Tyler heard the murmur of a song coming from the CD player beside the computer.

“I hadn’t realized you were so perceptive, Ty.” Donovan’s voice was grave. “You’re right. I felt a strong and instant attraction for Iris the minute she walked into the conference room. She’s a very beautiful woman. She’s smart, friendly, sexy as—”

“Hold on.” Tyler raise

d one hand and interrupted Donovan’s words. “She’s also our consultant.”

“I know.”

“You can’t have a personal relationship with our business consultant.”

“Why not?”

Tyler gave the other man an incredulous look. “Your feelings for her could influence your decisions.”

“I’m not the one working with her. You are.” Donovan chuckled, leaning back on his chair.

It wasn’t the first time Tyler hadn’t gotten his friend’s sense of humor. In fact, Donovan’s hilarity often escaped him. Today, it was especially annoying because not only was the other man right but the situation wasn’t funny. Not at all. The thought of Donovan with Iris made Tyler’s blood run cold. Women flocked to the sales executive like bees to honey. What was the attraction? His bright hazel eyes, quick smile, natural charm? For Donovan, flirting was as easy as breathing. It had never been that simple for Tyler. How could Tyler compete with the other man?

Why am I so anxious to try?

“Aren’t you dating someone?” Tyler’s scowl deepened. How many women did Donovan need at one time?

“No, I’m not. In fact, I’m going through a dry spell.”

“That’s unusual.” Almost unbelievable.

“Actually, it’s not.” Donovan’s eyes twinkled as though he was laughing at Tyler. “I’m not the ladies’ man you seem to think I am.”

“I know.” Tyler’s words were almost grudging. Donovan wasn’t a shallow, insincere cheat. He was just very popular. “Are you going to ask Iris out?”

“No, but obviously you should.”

Tyler’s pulse jumped. “Have you been playing me this entire time?”

“Of course I have.”

So Donovan wasn’t interested in Iris? Great. Not that it mattered. “It’s not a good idea to mix business and pleasure.”

Donovan flashed a grin. “Do your contradictions ever confuse you? Because they confuse me.”

“Are you trying to be funny?”

“You design cutting-edge computer games with fake worlds that push the envelope. But your real life is very conservative.”

“That’s because it’s real life, Van.” Tyler’s tone was dry. “There are consequences.”

“I understand you don’t want to start a personal relationship while you’re working together.” Donovan leaned into his desk toward Tyler. “But what about once the launch is over?”

“She probably won’t be interested.”

“Why not?”

Tyler hesitated. “Because I told her our company isn’t a dating service.”

Donovan closed his eyes briefly. “Tell me you didn’t really say that.”

“I wish I could.”

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